网络层(network layer) 是OSI参考模型中的第三层,介于传输层和数据链路层之间,它在数据链路层提供的两个相邻端点之间的数据帧的传送功能上,进一步管理网络中的数据通信,将数据设法从源端经过若干个中间节点传送到目的端,从而向运输层提供最基本的端到端的数据传送服务 网络层的目的是实现两个端系统之间的数据透明传送...
它常被通称为TCP/IP协议族(TCP/IP Protocol Suite,TCP/IP Protocols),简称TCP/IP。 由于在网络通讯协议普遍采用分层的结构,当多个层次的协议共同工作时,类似计算机科学中的堆栈,因此又被称为TCP/IP协议栈(英语:TCP/IP Protocol Stack)。 它将软体通信过程抽象化为四个抽象层,采取协定堆叠的方式,分别实作出不同...
它常被通称为TCP/IP协议族(TCP/IP Protocol Suite,TCP/IP Protocols),简称TCP/IP。 由于在网络通讯协议普遍采用分层的结构,当多个层次的协议共同工作时,类似计算机科学中的堆栈,因此又被称为TCP/IP协议栈(英语:TCP/IP Protocol Stack)。 它将软体通信过程抽象化为四个抽象层,采取协定堆叠的方式,分别实作出不同...
第7 层,即应用程序层,是用户的接口,提供处理应用程序通信部分的服务,它识别所需的通信接收者并确保接收者可用于传输会话,与应用层相关的协议包括: 1、文件传输协议 (FTP) 提供两台计算机之间经过身份验证的文件传输和对目录的访问; 它不能将远程文件作为程序执行。 2、普通文件传输协议 (TFTP) 简化版 FTP; 不...
TCP/IP协议族(TCP/IP Protocol Suite,或TCP/IP Protocols),简称TCP/IP。由于在网络通讯协议普遍采用分层的结构,当多个层次的协议共同工作时,类似计算机科学中的堆栈,因此又被称为TCP/IP协议栈(英语:TCP/IP Protocol Stack) 。这些协议最早发源于美国国防部(缩写为DoD)的ARPA网项目,因此也被称作DoD模型(DoD Model...
1. Physical Layer. Physical layer is the lowest layer in the OSI model. It is responsible for the physical connection between devices and the transmission of raw data bits. Physical layer protocols include Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. 2. Data Link Layer. Data link layer provides structure...
However, a major criticism of the OSI-model is the performance and the handling of the presentation layer. This paper deals with the evaluation of parallel processing techniques operating at the upper levels of the OSI-model using transputers in a parallel co-processor. It is shown that the ...
7. Application Layer The Application Layer interacts directly with user applications and provides network services to support application-level functions. It serves as an interface between the network and the application, enabling processes to communicate across the network. The data unit at ...
7 Application Layer The Application layer supplies network services to end-user applications. Network services are protocols that work with the user's data. For example, in a web browser application, the Application layer protocolHTTPpackages the data needed to send and receive web page content. ...
Application layer protocols includeHTTPas well asSMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is one of the protocols that enablesemailcommunications). 6. The presentation layer This layer is primarily responsible for preparing data so that it can be used by the application layer; in other words, layer 6 ...