Oshkosh L-ATV (轻型战斗机战术全地形车)是一种轻型多用途/作战的多用途车,赢得了美国军方的军队领导的联合轻型战术车(JLTV)的亲睐。在项目的最初阶段,有人建议JLTV将一对一取代AM通用高机动多用途轮式车辆(HMMWV)。现在建议JLTV将部分取代HMMWV,而不是在类似的基础上取而代之。 L-ATV将提供类似于现在...
Oshkosh Defense unveiled on 13 September its new Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle (L-ATV), which could be offered for the next phase of the US Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) programme. Company officials have said the L-ATV was designed to meet JLTV's requirements and could be...
The Oshkosh L-ATV Sound System transforms the virtual military vehicle into an auditory marvel, enhancing your gaming experience with over 100 high-quality sound effects that resonate with authenticity and precision. Our solution is integrated with advanced code that intelligently manages sound variations...
Both Oshkosh L-ATV variants leverage a common crew protection system, advanced automotive systems, and the patented Oshkosh TAK-4i™ intelligent independent suspension system to deliver unprecedented levels of protection and off-road performance in a light vehicle. The Oshkosh L-ATV utility variant ...
OSHKOSH DEFENSE EXHIBITS L-ATV COMMAND AND CONTROL CAPABILITIES AT AUSA 2019 OSHKOSH, Wis. (October 14, 2019) — Oshkosh Defense, LLC, an Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE: OSK) company, will display three Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) and for the first time ever, a Light Combat Tactical All...
L-ATV 2014年样机状态 约旦安曼国际防务展SOFEX 2014 特征:1.车首灯具左右排列。 2.主驾驶前方进气空滤,增加防雨冒,进气口朝上 L-ATV 2016年样机状态 欧洲防务展 EUROSATORY 2016 特征:1.进气空滤上方增加了一级预滤(从防水帽变成了小帐篷)。 L-ATV 2017年样机状态 英国防务展DSEI 2017 特征:1.英国陆军...
在线看Перваяпартия Oshkosh L-ATV 4x4 (JLTV) для.. 1分钟 24秒。20 8月 2021的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 659 — 已浏览。 3 — 已评价。
DIY改装床车(轻客):L-滑轨制作座椅快拆支架 17:14 DIY改装床车(通用):铝型材制作车顶行李架滑轨、横杆 04:54 越野与露营:TATRA, MAN, GAZ-66, STAR off-road各种穿越各种野! 25:18 DIY改装房车(轻客):制作床车固定横床流程。 19:37 越野与露营:与JEEP牧马人在亚利桑那山脉的非凡冒险穿越 45:59 ...
但作为替代车型的Oshkosh L-ATV性能也同样不可小视,事实上它比Humvee更轻,更易于航空运输,并且设有地雷、路边炸弹保护措施,具备更长的活动半径,适应所有地形。 并且战斗版Oshkosh L-ATV会搭载20英寸车轮、炮塔武器系统、远程武器系统、采用Duramax 6.6L V8柴油发动机,功率397马力,但没有提供具体扭矩数据,同时车身还装...
Oshkosh Defense Begins L-ATV Production For JLTFThe article reports on the production of the Light Combat Tactical All Terrain Vehicle (L-ATV) by Oshkosh Defense (OSK).Roosevelt, AnnDefense Daily