Oshkosh Defense is a global leader in design and production of military vehicles and mobility systems. Discover advanced technology for mission success.
Oshkosh Defense, the Oshkosh Defense logo, TAK-4, TerraMax and ProPulse are registered trademarks, Command Zone and TAK-4i are trademarks of the Oshkosh Defense, LLC, Oshkosh, WI, USA. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense...
Oshkosh Defense, the Oshkosh Defense logo, TAK-4, TerraMax and ProPulse are registered trademarks, Command Zone and TAK-4i are trademarks of the Oshkosh Defense, LLC, Oshkosh, WI, USA. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense...
奥什科什集团旗下公司 Oshkosh Defense, LLC 8月3日宣布,美国陆军承包司令部 - 底特律兵工厂 (ACC-DTA) 已订购价值 2.01 亿美元的额外中型战术车辆 A2 系列 (FMTV A2)。奥什科什防务利用工程创新和行业专业知识来开发适应动态市场需求的技术,并巧妙地定制超越任务要求的解决方案。FMTV A2 展示了终极平台灵活性,拥...
Oshkosh Defense, the Oshkosh Defense logo, TAK-4, TerraMax and ProPulse are registered trademarks, Command Zone and TAK-4i are trademarks of the Oshkosh Defense, LLC, Oshkosh, WI, USA. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense...
Oshkosh Defense, the Oshkosh Defense logo, TAK-4, TerraMax and ProPulse are registered trademarks, Command Zone and TAK-4i are trademarks of the Oshkosh Defense, LLC, Oshkosh, WI, USA. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense...
The Oshkosh® Defense Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) is a high-performance, incredibly durable all-terrain vehicle that military personnel can count on, wherever the mission takes them. The MTVR can carry 15 tons on-road and up to 7.1 tons off-road. And with advanced technologies...
Your full-service partner throughout the entirety of the product lifecycle. World-class tactical vehicles to meet the needs of an evolving battlefield. Next-generation solutions for mobility, reliability, and lethality. SIGN UP Join our email list to get the latest news from Oshkosh Defense delive...
Oshkosh Defense, the Oshkosh Defense logo, TAK-4, TerraMax and ProPulse are registered trademarks, Command Zone and TAK-4i are trademarks of the Oshkosh Defense, LLC, Oshkosh, WI, USA. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. ...
OSHKOSH DEFENSE’S LVSR IS DESIGNED FOR OFF-ROAD MOBILITY AND PERFORMANCE With its unmatched mobility and capacity, the high-performance Oshkosh® Defense Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) has the capacity and power to carry whatever the mission requires. The LSVR features a 22.5-ton on...