OSHA Issues New Guidelines on Workplace Violence Prevention for HealthcareThe publication includes industry best practices and provides some insight on how to reduce the risk of violence in various healthcare and social service settings.The National Law Review...
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Effective Jan 13; OSHA has increased the max fine to $126,749 (from 70k) for willful (knowing the law but ignoring it) and repeat violations. You know the law – do not remain non-compliant. Get an written OSHA safety plan & program in place now!
The guidelines also stress the importance of developing a written workplace violence prevention program. According to the news release, the program should include management commitment and employee participation, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control, safety and health training, and recor...
The article offers information on the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration's (OSHA's) Enforcement Procedures for Investigation or Inspecting Incidents of Workplace Violence, a directive that ...
Speak up! If you notice a safety hazard at work, report it to your supervisor or boss. If they don't address your concerns,file a complaint with OSHAor yourstate labor offices. Please remember, it isillegal for your employer to punish or fire you for reporting a workplace problem. ...
Workplace violence can take many forms, such as physical attacks, sexual assault, harassment, threats and intimidation, cyberbullying, property damage, stalking, discriminatory violence, and verbal abuse. Healthcare organizations must follow OSHA policies and procedures to prevent instances of violence, ...
favorably for our clients, as well as challenging rules and regulations, at the agency and appellate levels. Ultimately and always, our goal is to help clients preemptively address workplace safety and health issues, whether OSHA-related, or concerning workplace violence or substance abuse matters....
File a complaint asking OSHA to inspect their workplace if they believe there is a serious hazard or that their employer is not following OSHA rules Request that identity remains confidential Use their rights under the law without retaliation. If an employee is fired, demoted, transferred, or re...
What law is applicable to healthcare that contains a strict liability statute? What is the WARN Act? What does it do? Why is it important for workers to have this law? What does it eliminate? What are the three basic causes of workplace accidents? ...