Included in the revisions are appendices that may be used to identify good design standards. OSHA is also proposing to omit paragraphs in its ventilation standard as well as its welding, cutting and brazing standard that reference ou...
OSHA violations aren’t there to make your life difficult, but they certainly can if you slip up. Learn how to protect your business and avoid common missteps.
美国OSHA标准目录.doc,1910.1 Purpose and scope. 1910.1目的和范围。 1910.2 Definitions. 1910.2定义。 1910.3 Petitions for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a standard. 1910.3请愿书之核发、修改或废止的一个标准。 1910.4 Amendments to this part. 1910.5 Ap
Ventilation (ASC and Z9) Operation of Open Surface Tanks 29 CFR Appendix A to subpart X--Ladders A14.4-1979, Safety Requirements ALI (ASC A14) for Job-Made Ladders 29 CFR Appendix A to subpart X--Ladders A14.3-1984, American National ALI (ASC Standard A14) for Ladders-Fixed-Safety ...
OSHA standard1926.651contains a laundry list of safety regulations for excavation activities. These include identifying underground utilities before digging (everyone should know 811,the national before-you-dig phone number), warning systems for heavy equipment, ventilation requirements, and more. ...
Ventilation. 1910.95 Occupational noise exposure. 1910.97 Nonionizing radiation. 1910.98 Effective dates. 1910.101 Compressed gases (general requirements). 1910.102 Acetylene. 1910.103 Hydrogen. 1910.104 Oxygen. 1910.105 Nitrous oxide. 1910.106 Flammable and combustible liquids. 1910.107 Spray finishing using fla...
1926.351 - Arc welding and cutting. 1926.352 - Fire prevention. 1926.353 - Ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating. 1926.354 - Welding, cutting, and heating in way of preservative coatings. 1926 Subpart K - Electrical 1926.400 - Introduction. 1926.401 - [Reserved] 1926.402 -...
OSHA 10-Hour Training For Construction This course covers topics related to construction work such as Fall Protection, Personal Protective Equipment, Electrocution and more.» Learn More|Más Información $. Register Now »INSCRÍBETE AQUÍ ...
actual welding or cutting operations so that sparks, hot slag, or flame will not reach them. When this is impractical, fire-resistant shields must be provided. Cylinders must be placed where they cannot become part of an electrical circuit. Oxygen and fuel gas regulators must be in proper...
1910.94Ventilation. 1910.95Occupationalnoiseexposure. 1910.97Nonionizingradiation. 1910.98Effectivedates. 1910.101Compressedgases(generalrequirements). 1910.102Acetylene. 1910.103Hydrogen. 1910.104Oxygen. 1910.105Nitrousoxide. 1910.106Flammableandcombustibleliquids. ...