Also, a waste pit, usually an excavated, earthen - walled pit. It may be lined with plastic to prevent soil contamination. Rotary Hose The hose on a rotary drilling rig that conducts the drilling fluid from the mud pump and standpipe to the swivel and kelly; also called the mud hose or...
17、tion within the facility Type of surface to be cleaned Type of soil present Tasks or procedures being performed,Must develop a written schedule for cleaning and decontamination at the work site based on the:,OSHA Office of Training and Education,16,Housekeeping (contd),After completion of pr...
osha教材-Bloodborne Pathogens-血液病原体 BloodbornePathogens OSHAOfficeofTrainingandEducation 1 Introduction Approximately5.6millionworkersinhealthcareandotherfacilitiesareatriskofexposuretobloodbornepathogenssuchashumanimmunodeficiencyvirus(HIV–thevirusthatcausesAIDS),thehepatitisBvirus(HBV),andthehepatitisC...
Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms. This radiation can be found in natural sources, such as soil, water, and vegetation, as well as in man-made sources, such as x-rays and medical devices. The Ionizing Radiation Standard requires employers to take a series of ...
nodeSUMMARY Soil salinity significantly limits rice productivity, but it is poorly understood how excess sodium (Na+) is delivered to the grains at the reproductive stage. Here, we functionally characterized OsHAK4, a member of the clade IV HAK/KUP/KT transporter subfamily in rice. OsHAK4 was ...
(ii) Slopes specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, shall be excavated to form configurations that are in accordance with the slopes shown for Type C soil in appendix B to this subpart. (2) Option (2)—Determination of slopes and configurations using Appendices A and B. um...
deep if the soil could cave in when the trench is dug, according to United Rentals. "A competent person must evaluate the conditions and determine which type of protective system is needed." Though not designed to prevent a trench wall from collapsing, trench boxes protect workers from th...
The first is an open trench where the sides are usually back-sloped, depending on the soil type. This trench may have steep walls for the majority of the excavation but includes "bell holes" where it anticipated that workers will need to enter the trench. Another type uses a prefabricated ...
Salt stress tolerance in plants is a multigenic and physiologically complex trait which is dependent upon a numerous cross-interacting mechanisms involving an ... M Alnayef 被引量: 0发表: 2017年 Soil bacteria confer plant salt tolerance by tissue-specific regulation of the sodium transporter HKT1...
void CCGisView_Demo1View::LoadAFile(short fType) { CCGisView_Demo1App *ptApp; short ai,i; short *pOldLst; short *pNewLst; ptApp=(CCGisView_Demo1App *)AfxGetApp(); //取当前应用程序对象地址 ai=_OpenArea(ptApp->m_AHInst,fType); //打开一个fType类型的空工作区 ...