Take an online fall protection course to learn how a PFAS works and how it can protect you from a fatal accident. » Read more...Get NFPA 70E Compliant Training for Electrical Safety NFPA 70E is the leading standard for electrical safety. If you work with electrical systems, this ...
Case Management.Once an accident happens, focus on case management. Open the lines of communication with the claim handler at the insurance company, follow-up with the broker, and monitor the treatment to create an effective environment and keep claims under control. Ensuring that injured persons ...
There are a handful of trainings that is required to all employees, no matter their job or sector they are working in. All employers are required to train workers on accident prevention signs and tags, the facility’s emergency action plan, and the fire prevention plan. All new employees als...
Are a sufficient number of accident preventive signs or tags and safety padlocks provided for any reasonably foreseeable repair emergency? When machine operations, configuration or size requires the operator to leave his or her control station to install tools or perform other operations, and that...
Safety colors describe how OSHA, ANSI and other organizations regulate signage in the workplace. Each color has a different meaning depending on the situation. The colors used in accident prevention signs allow workers entering an area to immediately determine the potential safety hazards they face ...
“There is No Such Thing as an Accident, only a Failure to Recognize the Hand of Fate,” Napoleon Bonaparte. There are risks every time an individual decides to leave the comfort and control of their home environment and enter the work sphere. Every American needs to know their rights under...
OSHA’sScaffolding eToolhelps employers prevent violations and minimize tragic workplace accidents. The free tool outlines common hazards, requirements, and accident prevention tactics. It also includes illustrated safety checklists for certain types of scaffolds. ...