Keep your employees safe year-round by enforcing facial hair requirements Considerations when addressing facial hair: Facial hair that lies along the sealing area of a respirator interferes with respirators that rely on a tight fit. The rule does allow some forms of neat, trimmed facial hair as...
OSHA Requirements for Respirators in Situations That May Be Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health: Secretary of Labor v. Freeze Technology International, Inc., Enerpipe Corporation, OSHRC No. 99-308-310, 5/15/00David G. Sarvadi
Occupational Safety & Health Administration's (OSHA) requirements for voluntary use of respirators by employees at workplace. In case of voluntary use, employers are exempt from many respiratory protection requirements of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard. According to OSHA requirements, the ...
•Maintain each assigned respirator in a ready-to-usecondition atal l times • Inspecteach assigned respiratorprior toand aftereach use, and at least monthly •Storewritten inspection recordswith the respirator Inspection requirements are not appl icableforsingle-use respirators •Wear assign...
•Maintain afacial surfacethat provides a proper,twith the respirator (eg, clean-shaven for tight-,ttingfacepieces) •Undergo,t-test foreach assigned tight-,ttingfacepiece priorto usewhenevera different tight-,ttingfacepiece is used,and at least annual ly ...