Airborne contaminants place workers at risk for illness and injury. With training, employees can learn how to select the right respiratory and protective equipment to stay safe. Here's how. » Read more...Learn About OSHA Requirements for Ladders Prevent ladder accidents by following OSHA's saf...
Slips,TripsandFallsOnStairwaysandLadders Attheendofthistraining,youshouldbeabletolistordescribe:•SafetyguidelinesandrequirementsforstairwaysusedataconstructionsiteSafepracticesandrequirementsforladdersusedataconstructionsite • OSHAOfficeofTraining&Education 3 StairwayorLadder Theremustbeastairwayorladderatpointsof...
Any job that requires a ladder is potentially dangerous. Learn more about the ANSI/OSHA ladder requirements to keep employees safe.
OSHA Standard1926.1053sets load limits, clearance guidelines, and other safety requirements for ladders on a jobsite. Many of the citations stem from improper use or unsafe setup of ladders — we’ve all seen workers jerry-rigging a ladder for something other than what it was designed for. Th...
As part of the updated rule from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) regarding walkingworking surfaces, there have been several key changes to the requirements forfixed and portable ladders. The goal of the regulation is to prevent slips, trips, and falls in the workplace. ...
Scaffolding, general requirements, construction Control of hazardous energy (lockout/tag out), general industry Respiratory protection, general industry Ladders, construction Powered industrial trucks, general industry Fall-protection–training requirements Machinery and machine guarding, general requirements...
Safety guidelines and requirements for stairways used at a construction site Safe practices and requirements for ladders used at a construction site Slips, Trips and Falls On Stairways and Ladders OSHA Office of Training Education * There must be a stairway or ladder at points of access where th...
Portable metal ladders. 1910.27 Fixed ladders. 1910.28 Safety requirements for scaffolding. 1910.29 Manually propelled mobile ladder stands and scaffolds (towers). 1910.30 Other working surfaces. 1910.33 Table of contents. 1910.34 Coverage and definitions. 1910.35 Compliance with NFPA 101-2000, Life Safety...
ladders(ordoublecleated)whenladdersaretheonlymeansofaccessand25ormoreemployees•Onepointofaccesskeptclear•Ifaccessblockedsecondaccessprovided §GeneralRequirements1926.1051 •Mustprotectworkersfromfallspriorto installationofstair&laddersystems §Stairways1926.1052 •Landingsontemporarystairsmustbeatleast30inches...
1910.22 General requirements. 1910.23 Guarding floor and wall openings and holes. 1910.24 Fixed industrial stairs. 1910.25 Portable wood ladders. 1910.26 Portable metal ladders. 1910.27 Fixed ladders. 1910.28 Safety requirements for scaffolding. 1910.29 Manually propelled mobile ladder stands and scaffolds (...