Any potentially dangerous moving machine part must be enclosed by a guard, cover, shield, or railing. These safeguards can protect workers from injuries such as crushed hands, amputations, burns, or blindness. Powered industrial trucksPowered industrial trucks include fork trucks, tractors, platform ...
IBC industrial stair code requirements differ from commercial stair codes by being less stringent for guardrail openings, riser openings, and tread openings. All other requirements are the same. Industrial stair railing code requirements ✔ Maximum guardrail high opening of 21″ sphere ✔ Maximum gu...
Regardless of height, a standard railing and toeboard must be used to guard: - open-sided floors - walkways - platforms, or - runways above or adjacent to dangerous equipment, pickling or galvanizing tanks, degreasing units, and similar hazards. OSHA Office of Training and Educat...
Housekeeping Workplacesmustbekeptclean,orderly,andsanitaryWorkroomfloorsmustbemaintainedascleananddryaspossible OSHAOfficeofTrainingandEducation 3 GeneralRequirements AislesandPassageways KeepclearandmoveobstructionsthatcouldcreateahazardMarkpermanentaislesandpassagewaysAislesmustbesufficientlywidewhere...