ClassesofFlammableandCombustibleLiquids FlashPoint(oF)200 IIIA 140 II 100 IC 73 IA IB Combustible(FP>100oF)Flammable(FP<100oF)100BoilingPoint(oF)OSHAOfficeofTrainingandEducation 4 Ventilation Alwaysprovideadequateventilationtoreducethepotentialforignitionofflammablevapors.OSHAOfficeofTrainingandEducation 11 ...
OSHA defines flammable liquid as any liquid having a flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit (deg. F). Flammable liquids are known as Class I liquids and divided into three sub-classes; class IA, class IB and class IC depending on their flash point temperature. Combustible liquids are defined...
Different types of hazards are identified by Hazard Classes, while different levels of severity are identified with Categories. Hazard Classes are given clear names, such as "Flammable Liquid" or "Carcinogen." Within each Class, the Categories are numbered, with the most dangerous category called ...
Fire extinguishers come in different classes for use on fires of different sources. The extinguisher has small pictures on the label that help you identify the type of fire source material they should be used. Class A puts out fires involving ordinary combustibles. Class B extinguishers smother ...
Fire extinguishers come in different classes for use on fires of different sources. The extinguisher has small pictures on the label that help you identify the type of fire source material the canister will extinguish. Class A puts out fires involving ordinary combustibles (cloth, wood). Class ...