Compressed gases (general requirements). 1910.102 Acetylene. 1910.103 Hydrogen. 1910.104 Oxygen. 1910.105 Nitrous oxide. 1910.106 Flammable and combustible liquids. 1910.107 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials. 1910.109 Explosives and blasting agents. 1910.1目的和范围。 1910.2定义。 1910.3...
1910.106 Flammable and combustible liquids. 1910.107 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials. 1910.109 Explosives and blasting agents. 1910.1目的和范围。 1910.2定义。 1910.3请愿书之核发、修改或废止的一个标准。 1910.4修改,这部分。 1910.5适用性的标准。 1910.6成立,以供参考。 1910.6成立,以...
•Operationsinvolvingthestorage,handling,and/oruseof:–Compressedgases •Liquefiedgases–anhydrousammonia,chlorine,propane,nitrousoxide,andcarbondioxide•Non-liquefiedgases–oxygen,nitrogen,helium,andargon•Dissolvedgases-acetylene PPT10-hr.GeneralIndustry–HazardousMaterialsv.03.01.17 5CreatedbyOTIEC...
1910.97Nonionizingradiation. 1910.98Effectivedates. 1910.101Compressedgases(generalrequirements). 1910.102Acetylene. 1910.103Hydrogen. 1910.104Oxygen. 1910.105Nitrousoxide. 1910.106Flammableandcombustibleliquids. 1910.107Sprayfinishingusingflammableandcombustible materials. 1910.109Explosivesandblastingagents. 1910.1目的和范围...
Storage areas for compressed gas cylinders should be well-ventilated, fireproof, and dry. Cylinders should not be stored near steam pipes, hot water pipes, boilers, highly flammable solvents, combustible wastes, unprotected electrical connections, open flames, or other potential heat sources or ...
This course includes topics related to general industry work such as Personal Protective Equipment, Fire Detection and Prevention, Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Machine Guarding, Industrial Hygiene, Lockout/Tagout Procedures and more.» Learn More|Más Información ...
Storage areas for compressed gas cylinders should be well-ventilated, fireproof, and dry. Cylinders should not be stored near steam pipes, hot water pipes, boilers, highly flammable solvents, combustible wastes, unprotected electrical connections, open flames, or other potential heat sources or ...
Compressors on the Timer: Some dealerships have compressors with a timer to shut them down at the end of the work shift. However, there is enough air in the air-storage tank to empty the oil tank of hundreds of gallons when a leak occurs downstream in the hoses, dispenser, or the met...
Are all flammable liquids kept in closed containers when not in use (for example, parts cleaning tanks, pans, etc.)? Are bulk drums of flammable liquids grounded and bonded to containers during dispensing? Do storage rooms for flammable and combustible liquids have explosion-proof lights? Do...
Flammable storage High noise Respirator required Eye hazard Biohazard Emergency stop Low overhead Empty gas cylinder Restricted access Hardhat required Hot surfaces Voltage ratings High voltage Pipe flow direction Contents of piped systems Automatic equipment ...