Drug-contaminated waste Disposal and cleaning Yes Yes Yes, if liquid that could splash Yes, if inhalation potential N/A Spills Cleaning Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A This course has presented many chemical and physical agents that may be a reproductive risk for men and women in the healthcare workpla...
osha教材-Bloodborne Pathogens-血液病原体 BloodbornePathogens OSHAOfficeofTrainingandEducation 1 Introduction Approximately5.6millionworkersinhealthcareandotherfacilitiesareatriskofexposuretobloodbornepathogenssuchashumanimmunodeficiencyvirus(HIV–thevirusthatcausesAIDS),thehepatitisBvirus(HBV),andthehepatitisC...
Public Health Service guidelines Provide written opinion of findings to employer and copy to employee within 15 days of the evaluation,OSHA Office of Training and Education,23,Biohazard Warning Label 26、s,Warning labels required on: Containers of regulated waste Refrigerators and freezers containing ...
Pet droppings were key biohazards in the kitchen and living room; human waste was commonly noted as bathroom and bedroom hazards.15 The rooms in patients' homes where HHAs work varied by type of healthcare worker and patient needs. For example, nurses may not go into a patient's bedroom...