For example, a 1977 OSHA regulation contained detailed specifications regarding irregularities in western hemlock trees used to construct ladders. In the Appropriations Act of 1977, Congress directed OSHA to get rid of certain standards that it described as "trivial." As a result, in 1978 OSHA ...
1926.1053 - Ladders 1926.1060 - Training requirements Subpart Z - Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1926.1101 - Asbestos 1926.1148 - Formaldehyde 1926.1152 - Methylene chloride Preface The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published this document to assist residential construction employers...
e Ladd A14.1-1990, Safety Requi ALI (ASC A14) 29 CFR 1917.3 Incorporation By Referenc A14.2-1990, Safety Requi ALI (ASC A14) 29 CFR 1918.24 Fixed And Portable Ladd A14.2-1990, Safety Requi ALI (ASC A14) 29 CFR 1917.119 Portable Ladders.A14.5-1992, Safety Requi ALI (ASC A14) 29 ...