osg-3rdparty-cmake CMake scripts for building OpenSceneGraph third party libraries. These scripts can be used to build third party libraries from source using CMake(http://www.cmake.org/). The source code for respective library has to be downloaded separately, see download locations below. ...
bjornblissing / osg-3rdparty-cmake Watch 25 Star 122 Fork 96 Code Issues 9 Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Organize your issues with project boards Did you know you can manage projects in the same place you keep your code? Set up a project board on GitHub to ...
统计 搜索 Fork (2) icebaby2019/osg-3rdparty-cmake 接近5年 前 flylong0204/osg-3rdparty-cmake 7年多 前 C++ 1 https://gitee.com/abuu183/osg-3rdparty-cmake.git git@gitee.com:abuu183/osg-3rdparty-cmake.git abuu183 osg-3rdparty-cmake osg-3rdparty-cmake深圳...
I downloaded the Android 3rdparty deps from here http://www.openscenegraph.org/index.php/download-section/dependencies but was not able to use them for a while. Attached are changes to OsgAndroidMacroUtils.cmake that allow the deps to be found by cmake. Specifically, all FIND_PATH commands...
用来编译vs2015可用的giflib库。因为没找到可以直接编译的giflib库,此处根据 https://github.com/bjornblissing/osg-3rdparty-cmake.git 中的cmake配置文件重新配置了一下giflib,只测试VS2015可以正常通过编译。cmake配置文件放在cmake_config文件夹下。 - vtxf/giflib-4.