(VSG). Instead of than being a complete reimplementation of osgEarth, it uses the map layers of osgEarth as data sources for creating a VSG scene graph. Status: The vsgEarth library parses osgEarth ".earth" files. It can render multiple image layers and an elevation layer, using a simpl...
Both OpenGL and OSG suffer from lots of small grained drawables. so avoiding lots of drawables can be crucial to improving performance. This may be resolvable at the high level in your application with exsiting OSG features, or tackled by subclass from vsg::Drawable or vsg::Geometry to provi...
> VSG does compared to OSG the two chips both perform in a over similar > way w.r.t work per cycles. > > Are these efficiencies hat I've efficiency with the VSG possible with > the OSG? Unfortunately not without breaking key features. > osg::Node's are significantly bigger than thei...
OpenSceneGraph/osgEarth vs VulkanSceneGraph/vsgpagedlod started4 years ago 4 years ago shayne.tueller 0 replies How do you create the osg::Planeof PolytopeIntersector that will give you the right intersection? started4 years ago 4 years ago ...
I handed over management for vsgQt as don't have the required Qt expertise to support the project. If @mathieu needs to pass on the management I'm happy to grant write access to others. I haven't closely followed the various threads/contributions to vsgQt so am not in position to know...
德国VERSA VSG-4522-316-B319-XIFA-44-D024 德国Atomat SpA COLLECT GAIT ER-25 DIA 15 MM 德国Atomat SpA COLLECT IMD ER11 DIA 8 MM 德国Atomat SpA RING NUT GAIT ER25 COD.J0326 德国Atomat SpA Tungstem carbide Support PG-6 AT802
恭喜川普当选美国总统,妹妹要跳个MVP结算舞庆祝一下 #运动女孩 #酷女孩 #妹妹发把狙 #川普 #天猫双11抄省清单 恭喜川普当选美国总统,妹妹要跳个MVP结算舞庆祝一下 #运动女孩 #酷女孩 #妹妹发把狙 #川普 #天猫双11抄省清单 24 看过现场的,全场都炸裂了💥 #泰国射击 #网红打卡地 #境外靶场合法射击拍摄 #...
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