OSG_LIBRARY_PATH may be set to point to the location where the plugin .so files are located. OSG_FILE_PATH may be set to point to the location where data files are located. Setting OSG_FILE_PATH to the OpenSceneGraph-Data directory is very useful when testing OSG by running the example ...
//ReaderWriterIFC.h#ifndef READERWRITERIFC_H#defineREADERWRITERIFC_H#include<osgDB/ReaderWriter>///OSG reader plugin for the ".ifc" format.///This plugin requires the ifcplusplusclassBuildingModel;classBuildingEntity;classReaderSTEP;classWriterSTEP;classGeometryConverter;classReaderWriterIFC :publicosgDB:...
When compiling, it is necessary to modify the CMAKE in the CMakeLists file in the root directory the value of CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE the variable is the local vcpkg tool path. Defect Currently, importing b3dm and gltf/glb files is not supported; The ktx plugin cannot read some images ...
Provides a LevelDB nosql plugin, for reading tiles from database rather than local folders. Provides a media streaming plugin, which supports pixel streaming through WebRTC / Websockets. Provides a scripting plugin, which supports scripting using OSGB serialization and changing to Restful-like format...
Provides a scripting plugin, which supports scripting using OSGB serialization and changing to Restful-like format. Supports GL3 Core profile, as well as GLES2 / GLES3. Google Angel is also supported for future bridging uses. (PARTLY) Supports major desktop and mobile operating systems, including...
//nbBase::Path p(filename); //std::string name = p.getLastName(); ///设置对象 //image->setUniformPath(name); //image->setExternalPath(name); ///复制外部文件 /// 从 filename 绝对路径 /// 到 name uniform路径 ///printf("copy %s %s\n" ,filename.c_str() , name.c_str()...
2. 构建过程 构建OSG库的关键指令如下所示: # 配置CMake cmake ...我们把所有的库都安装到同一个目录中并设置成CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH变量,这样在构建新的依赖库的时候,CMake就能准确查找到相关的依赖库。...其余的几个OSG提供的自定义构建选项中: BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS表示是否构建基于OSG的可执行程序,例如osg...
install以后把binincludelib添加到Path环境变量。减少后面cmake时设置大量osg路径。重要的是,不设置环境变量osgqopengl会编译可能会有各种bug。比如: 严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态 错误LNK2001 无法解析的外部符号 "public: virtual struct QMetaObject const * __cdecl osgQt::QGraphicsViewAdapter::...
#include <osgGA/AnimationPathManipulator> #include <osgGA/TerrainManipulator> #include <osgGA/SphericalManipulator> //Static plugins Macro USE_OSGPLUGIN(ive) USE_OSGPLUGIN(osg) USE_OSGPLUGIN(osg2) USE_OSGPLUGIN(terrain) USE_OSGPLUGIN(rgb)