NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter允许用户使用NVIDIA的CUDA加速的Texture Tools 3.0压缩器技术 直接从图像源创建高度压缩的纹理文件-在磁盘和内存中保持很小的尺寸。 该导出器在单个插件和独立应用程序中结合了四个纹理工具,包括对多维数据集贴图,mipmap,法线贴图,透明度和130多种导入格式的灵...
[原][译][osg][nvtt]NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter纹理压缩工具(nvcode nvimage nvmath nvthread nvtt) 2020-08-21 16:45 −... 南水之源 0 2175 centos7 编译打包bcache-tools 2019-12-06 14:35 −# centos7 build bcache-tools ## 获取源码 centos 本身不提供bcache-tools的rpm,所以需要自己build...
linked by target "osgdb_fbx" in directory E:/FBX/osgFBX-master/src/osgPlugins/fbx Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "E:/FBX/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". cmake中配置 FBX_INCLUDE_DIR E:/AutoDesk/FBX/FBX_SDK/2019.0/include FBX_LIBRARY E:/AutoDesk/FBX/FBX_SDK/2019.0...
OSG建模工具 (1).3ds max插件 http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/osgmaxexp/index.php?title=Main_Page 下载地址 http://sourceforge.net/projects/osgmaxexp/files/OpenSceneGraph%20Max%20Exporter/1.0.1/OSGExp1.0.1Install_win32.exe/download (2).Maya插件©...
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(helpers/3dsmax_exporter) ENDIF(VERSE_BUILD_EXPORTERS) IF(USE_WASM_OPTIONS) MESSAGE(STATUS "[osgVerse] Emscripten / WebAssembly toolchain is used. (WebGL2 = ${VERSE_USE_EXTERNAL_GLES3})") IF(BUILD_WASM_64) MESSAGE(STATUS "[osgVerse] Experimental WASM 64bit is enable...
I'm using vizard 5 (32 bit). I have a 3d model of a shopping mall in 3ds Max. I want to use it in my vizard. But it require OSG format. I also tried OSG exporter but during exporting program seems to freeze and crash as a result I was not able to save out the file for...
Once the map is in place, to export you'll want to enable the "Background Map" feature, found in the OSG exporter's object filters - i.e. the "Export Objects" rollout. If you've set up Inspector as your default OSG viewer (which you definitely should), then enabling the preview wi...
Exporting objects using DrawElementsUInt makes the exporter unusable for OpenGL ES, because this mode is not supported there: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=9240 A fix is to comment out the line 872: return "DrawElementsUInt" in osgobject.py and ideally provide a warning if...