步骤4: 在Android设备上渲染场景请求帮助实现 "osg android Error reading file"确认收到请求添加OpenSceneGraph依赖提示导入成功创建文件对象并读取文件内容提示文件读取成功使用OpenSceneGraph函数加载文件提示加载成功创建OpenGL渲染上下文并渲染场景提示渲染成功完成教学感谢帮助 通过以上步骤和代码,你应该能够成功地实现 “osg ...
OSG-提示“error reading file e:\1.jpg file not handled” 问题情况: 在做OsgEarth时需要自己编译osgQOpenGL,自己做了一个静态库工程,输出lib文件后,让EXE让用。在测试代码中指定一个地球文件,动行后,界面显示的是一个黑边白圆。打开GONFIG += console后,提示“error reading file e:\1.jpg file not h...
在做OsgEarth时需要自己编译osgQOpenGL,自己做了一个静态库工程,输出lib文件后,让EXE调用。在测试代码中指定一个地球文件,运行后,界面显示的是一个黑边白圆。打开GONFIG += console后,提示“error reading file e:\1.jpg file not handled”。之前为了处理加载问题,复制了一个osgPlugins-3.6.4目录。 问题原因:...
Error reading file cande.earth: not implemented osgviewerd: No data loaded osgearth_viewerd fails with "Loaded scene graph does not contain a MapNode 参考:https://github.com/gwaldron/osgearth/issues/1317
Error reading file .osgearth_engine_rex: file not handled [osgEarth]* WARNING: Failed to load terrain engine driver for "rex" [osgEarth]* FAILED to create a terrain engine for this map 原因是没有加载到osgEarth的plugins动态库,之前我们是osg的plugins都考过来了,现在到下面目录 ...
#error "The header file *AnnotationDialogs* doesn*t include <QObject>."#elif Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION != 67#error "This file was generated using the moc from 5.3.2. It"#error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."#error "(The moc has changed too much.)"#...
osgearth_viewerd[69855:10712897] dynamic_cast error 1: Both of the following type_info's should have public visibility. At least one of them is hidden. NSt3__115basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE, N3osg18NotifyStreamBufferE. Error reading file osgearth_viewer: file not handled ...
Error reading file C:\Windows\Fonts\arial.ttf: file not handled [osgEarth] [Capabilities] Capabilities: [osgEarth] [Capabilities] osgEarth Version: 3.2.0 build 132 [osgEarth] [Capabilities] OSG Version: 3.6.5 [osgEarth] [Capabilities] GDAL Version: 3.2.2 ...
“osgEarth”: 不是类或命名空间名称D:\workspace\osg\osgEarthBuild\src\osgEarthQt\moc_AnnotationDialogs.cpp531osgEarthQt /*** ** Meta object code from reading C++ file *AnnotationDialogs* ** ** Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.3.2) ** ** WARNING! All changes...
$CMakeExe-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$EmsdkToolchain"-DUSE_WASM_OPTIONS=1$CurrentDir/helpers/toolchain_builder fi cmake--build. fi elif["$BuildMode"='4'];then # Android toolchain ThirdPartyBuildDir="$CurrentDir/build/3rdparty_android"