会议全称:USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations 录用率:2021年11.63% CCF分级:软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言A 截稿时间:2023/11/30 录用通知时间:2024/3/21 官网链接: https…
leading to a steady increase in accepted papers, reaching approximately 50 annually.The 2024 conference, held in Santa Clara, CA, will feature Chair Ada Gavrilovska from Georgia Institute of Technology and Douglas B. Terry from Amazon Web Services. This year, Haibo Chen from SJTU, K...
Please find the paper and presentation Here if you are interested! [2024/06] Blogs about the technical details behind Parrot: Blog (Chinese) or Blog Zhihu (Chinese). [2024/04] Release Parrot as a Microsoft open source project. [2024/03] Parrot has been accepted to OSDI'24! Install See ...