1. osd_op_num_threads_per_shard,默认值为 2 2. osd_op_num_shards,默认值为 5 PG会根据一定的映射模式映射到不同的shard上,然后由该shard对应的thread处理请求; ShardedOpWQ的处理函数 该sharded的work queue的process函数如下: void OSD::ShardedOpWQ::_process(uint32_t thread_index, heartbeat_handle...
调高timeout参数,减少OSD自杀的概率 osd_op_thread_timeout = 90 #default is 15 osd_op_thread_suicide_timeout = 2000 #default is 150 If filestore op threads are hitting timeout filestore_op_thread_timeout = 180 #default is 60 filestore_op_thread_suicide_timeout = 2000 #default is 180 Sam...
osd op thread timeout 说明:Ceph的OSD守护进程运行的线程超时(以秒为单位)。 类型:32位整数 默认:30 osd op complaint time 说明:操作成为投诉值得指定的秒数后,已经过去了。 类型:浮动 默认:30 osd disk threads 说明:磁盘线程的数量,这是用来执行后台磁盘密集的OSD操作如清理和捕捉修剪。 类型:32位整数 默...
osd_heartbeat_interval = 10 osd_op_threads = 8 osd_full_ratio = 75 osd_min_rpc_rate = 20000 iops osd_max_rpc_rate = 100000 iops osd_disk_failure_domain = osd osd_journal = size=1G max_file=1024 osd_rootdir = /dev/sdb osd_devices = [/dev/sdb] <your_fsid>是你的Ceph集群的FSID...
time whichissingle threadedandnon optimal withthiskind of workloadandcauses osd_op_threadstosuicide because itisalways compacting hence OSD’s starts flapping. RGW在处理大量DELETE请求的时候,会导致底层LevelDB频繁进行数据库compaction(数据压缩,对磁盘性能损耗很大)操作,而且刚好整个compaction在LevelDB中又是单...
doc doc: remove unused config: "osd op threads" 4 years ago etc cmake: only create sysctl file on linux 5 years ago examples cleanup: src/.libs -> build/lib 4 years ago fusetrace remove superfluous second semicolons at end of lines 8 years ago keys new release key 7 years ag...
and causes osd_op_threads to suicide because it is always compacting henceOSD’s starts flapping. RGW在处理大量DELETE请求的时候,会导致底层LevelDB频繁进行数据库compaction(数据压缩,对磁盘性能损耗很大)操作,而且刚好整个compaction在LevelDB中又是单线程处理,很容易到达osdopthreads超时上限而导致OSD自杀。
osd_op_thread_timeout 描述 Ceph OSD 操作线程超时 (以秒为单位)。 类型 32 位整数 缺省值 15 osd_op_complaint_time 描述 在经过指定的秒数后,操作将成为值得投诉的操作。 类型 浮点型 缺省值 30 osd_disk_threads 描述 用于执行后台磁盘密集型 OSD 操作 (例如,擦除和快照删除) 的磁盘线程数。
Operations settings allow you to configure the number of threads for servicing requests. If you set theosd op threadsparameter to0, it disables multi-threading. By default, Ceph uses two threads with a 30 second timeout and a 30 second complaint time if an operation does not co...
num_workers = cct->_conf->ms_async_op_threads; if (num_workers >= EventCenter::MAX_EVENTCENTER) { ldout(cct, 0) << __func__ << " max thread limit is " << EventCenter::MAX_EVENTCENTER << ", switching to this now. "