Try Harder之旅:OSCP备考指南(一) TJnull’s Preparation Guide for PEN-200 PWK/OSCP 2.0,整理了OSCP考试的大纲知识点和练习靶机等,其中也加入了一些我个人的理解,感谢原作者的无私分享。 考试注意事项 禁用工具: 商业工具或服务(Metasploit Pro,Burp Pro) 自动化利用工具(db_autopwn, browser_autopwn...
These are my notes for OSCP preparation. Hope you'll find them useful 一些零散脚本,linux和win都有、、、 snmpwalk -c public -v1 IP oid#、windowsprivchecker.ps1 ...
Preparation OSCP \ https...
Report Preparation and Notes Report Content Information Reporting Tools Cherrytree Dradis agicTree Metagoofil Common Problems in Report Writing Note Taking Tips and Tools Templates Walkthroughs Jerry Nightmare Waldo Active Hawk Tartar Sauce Bastard
原文地址: OSCP——PEN-200 OSCP(PEN-200)是OffSec中知名度最高的认证。 内容包括渗透测试方法和Kali Linux中所包含工具的使用方法,是一项实践的渗透测试认证,要求持证者在安全的...
Cell permeabilization, mitochondria preparation For cell permeabilization, cells were detached with trypsin, centrifuged at 1000 × g for 5 min, and washed twice with PBS. The pellet was resuspended in KCl-based medium (130 mM KCl, 10 mM Mops-Tris, pH 7.4) supplemented with 1 ...
Oligomeric Ab preparation. Ab1–42 peptide (GenicBio) was diluted in 1,1,1,3,3,3,-hexafluoro-2-propanol to 1 mM using a glass gas-tight Hamilton syrings with a Teflon plunger. The clear solution was then aliquoted in microcentrifuge tubes, and it was dried by vaporation in the fume ...
OSCP Learning Notes - Capstone(2) BTRSys v2.1 Walkthrough Preparation: Download the BTRSys virtual machine from the following website:,196/ 1. Find the IP address of the BTRSys virtual machine.
OSCPSecurity Technology - Netcat Netcat Download Netcat for windows from following website. nc -nv 192.168.2. Penetration Testing OSCP Hacking Cyber Security Netcat 转载 mb5ff2f2ed7d163 2021-06-19 20:42:00 ...
OSCP Learning Notes - Capstone(4) SickOS 1.2 Walkthrough Preparation: Down load the SickOS virtual machines from the following website:,144/ 1. Scan the network to find the IP of SickOS server. The IP address of the SickOS is