simple harmonic 简谐的 quasi harmonic oscillation 准谐波振荡 simple harmonic alternating current 简谐交变电流 simple harmonic electromotive force 简谐电动势 simple harmonic group 简谐波组 simple harmonic motion (SHM) 简谐运动,谐运动 simple harmonic quantity 简谐 simple harmonic current 【电】 ...
simple harmonic (motion, oscillation etc in mechanics)— 简谐 也可见: a harmonic— 泛音 harmonic oscillation— 调和振动 oscillation— 摆动 oscillation名— 震荡名 · 发振名 simple形— 简形 · 简单的形 · 纯形 · 单纯形 · 简便形 ·
Simple Harmonic motionharmonic oscillatorpotential energyPlease note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of ...
SimpleHarmonicMotion(SHM)1.FeaturesofSHM Thenetrestoringforceoftheoscillatorisdirectlyproportionaltothenegativeofthedisplacement.F=−kx SuchsystemisoftencalledsimpleharmonicoscillatorSHO谐振子.合振动 简单最基本的振动,一切复杂的振动都可以看作是若干简谐振动的合成的结果).SHMisthemostsimpleandbasicvibration.Every...
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) 1. Features of SHM The net restoring force of the oscillator is directly proportional to the negative of the displacement. kx F Such system is often called simple harmonic oscillator SHO谐振子. x o 2 T T 2 3T 2T 合振动 分振动1 分振动2 SHM is the most...
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) Types of Oscillations Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? FAQ What is oscillation in physics? The process of recurring changes of any quantity or measure about its equilibrium value in time is known asoscillation. A periodic...
美[ˌɑsɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英[ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n] n.振动;摆动;摇摆;一次波动 网络振荡;震荡;振幅 复数:oscillations 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 oscillation 显示所有例句 n. 1. [u][sing] 摆动;摇摆;振动a regular movement between one position and another or betwee...
(一)、简谐振动(Simpleharmonicmotion)简谐振动:我们所要研究的x-t曲线,即位移-时间曲线 是纯余弦曲线的振动,即余弦式振动。1、简谐振动的特点:(以弹簧振子为例)(1)、弹簧振子的振动:x 振子在弹性力和惯性两因素相互作用下在平衡位置附近往复运动。t (2)、简谐振动运动微分方程:设振子m在某一位置...
2. The simple harmonic oscillator and simple harmonic motion A typical simple harmonic oscillator is an object attached to a spring. x=0 is the equilibrium point, where the force of the spring on the block vanishes. (1) acceleration 2 2 ...
美 英 un.简谐振荡 英汉 un. 1. 简谐振荡 释义: 全部,简谐振荡