PHYS1002_Physics I (Foundamentals)_2013 Semester 1_module3_oscillation & waves_DS2013waves04_public Thislecture •ForcedoscillationsandResonance.•Descriptionof(mechanical)waves.27/01/2015 Oscillations&Waves 1 Forcedoscillations •Ineverydaysituations,dampingisovercomewithanapplieddrivingforce.•What...
(physics) a regular periodic variation in value about a mean 同义词:vibration a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon 同义词:cycle 学习怎么用 词组短语 oscillation frequency振荡频率 oscillation circuit振荡电路;振荡回路
LonghiS.GeraciA.Applied Physics LettersS. Longhi, A. Geraci, “ Modulational instability oscillation and solitary waves in a nonlinear dispersive cavity with parametric gain ”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 67, 3060 (1995). ADS View Article
The processes involving the basic phenomena of relaxation, diffusion, oscillations and wave propagation are of great relevance in physics; from a mathematical point of view they are known to be governed by simple differential equations of order 1 and 2 in time. The introduction of fractional deriva...
undulation, wave - (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth transient - (physics) a short-lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage or current or load beat - a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has...
Oscillations and Waves Ruslan P. Ozerov, Anatoli A. Vorobyev, in Physics for Chemists, 2007 2.4.1 Differential equations of harmonic oscillations It was shown earlier (refer to eq. (2.2.6)) that there exists a simple correlation between displacement and acceleration of an oscillating MP: ξ¨...
reduction.The stratification of fuel weakens the explosion stability.The delay in the occurrence time of peak overpressure is one of the reasons that affects the explosion characteristics.Adjusting the mass ratio of liquid can overcome the influence of oscillation and maintain the characteristics of ...
Westward and eastward propagating tropical waves in total ozone are investigated in 13 years (19791991) of version 6 total column ozone data from the Nimbus 7 total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) satellite instrument. A clear synchronization between the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO)...
The resulting forward- and backward-propagating waves couple with each other to generate a standing wave, forming a cavity. This is equivalent to the fact that in a one-dimensional photonic crystal the cavity loss is smallest at the band edges, which are at both ends of the photonic bandgap...
Journal of High Energy PhysicsY. Cai, Y.-T. Wang and Y.-S. Piao, Chirality oscillation of primordial gravitational waves during inflation, 1608.06508.Y. Cai, Y.-T. Wang and Y.-S. Piao, Chirality oscillation of primordial gravitational waves during inflation, Journal of High Energy Physics ...