Wilde’s life began to unravel when he became romantically involved with Lord Alfred Douglas, who introduced Wilde to some of the seedier side of gay London society (and who coined the phrase “the love that dare not speak its name”). Lord Alfred’s estranged father, the Marquess of Quee...
Free collection of all Oscar Wilde Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Oscar Wilde.
Oscar Wilde. Writer: The Picture of Dorian Gray. A gifted poet, playwright, and wit; Oscar Wilde was a phenomenon in 19th-century England. He was illustrious for preaching the importance of style in life and art, and of attacking Victorian narrow-mindedn
1895 was a year of upheaval for Wilde. He was sentenced to two years hard labor because of his homosexuality; his wife left the country, taking the children to live near Heidelberg, Germany; there she went by the name Constance Holland. In the Reading penitentiary, Wilde wrote a text in ...
Author Oscar Wilde was known for his acclaimed works including 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' and 'The Importance of Being Earnest,' as well as his brilliant wit, style and infamous imprisonment.
Oscar Wilde Biography Oscar Wildewas born in Dublin, Ireland, on October 16, 1854, and died in Paris, France, on November 30, 1900.He was a well-known writer for his short stories, his essays, and his novel The Portrait of Dorian Gray.In addition to the controversies that caused his ...
A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde: Summary & Characters Lesson Transcript Instructors Janine Dellinger View bio Ellie Green View bio Learn about Oscar Wilde and his biography, poems, plays, and novels. Discover the unique vision in the works of Oscar Wilde and examine his downfall ...
It’s curious that one of the most important works of Oscar Wilde is The Importance of Being Earnest, which literally means “the importance of being honest.” Truly, this is only another of the conflicting notes in the biography of this brilliant playwright, who saw his life fall apart due...
A Brief Biography ofOscar WildeJennifer KellyOscar Wilde(1854-1900)was a reform writer through the trenchant moral and socialcriticism in his works. Famous for his public speaking and wit, Wilde has often been accused ofmerely reproducing witty repartee in his plays, and the temptation to treat...
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