Health insurance industry training is provided. Some management is fantastic, others are not. No dress code. Snacks provided. Very fun at times. Care guides cannot go to the bathroom in between breaks. Very little work-life balance. Candid ad hoc feedback used to be coveted but company is ...
Oscar surely knows what its doing in the end, which is why this company will get farther and will really disrupt the healthcare world in this country :) 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 查看222的所有点评 整体评分 3.1 基于222条点评 5 60 4 45 3 40 2 22 1 55 按类别评分 3.3工作...
Oscar aims to make a healthier life accessible and affordable for all. We do this by refactoring healthcare to make great care cost less.
The Oscar app helps make your healthcare experience even easier. Access your plan and benefits whenever, and wherever. Here's some great stuff you can do with the app: • See all your plan information by pulling up your ID card on the go. ...
Michael Moore's SICKO and America's healthcare reform Academy Award - winning filmmaker Michael Moore (Fahrenheit 9/11) retures with this hilariously scathing indictment of America's failing health system. Combining powerful personal testimonies with shocking statistics, Moore pulls the cur... LS Ho...
The economic evaluation included self-reported healthcare utilisation, intervention costs and EQ-5D-5L. Randomisation and masking Clusters were recruited before randomisation to intervention or control, with stratification for size of service. Cluster staff could not be masked as training was required ...
Central Medical Bundaberg,Oscar Motelensures easy access to healthcare facilities, making it an ideal choice for those seeking medical assistance during their stay. Additionally, Nicolaides Pathology is just a short distance away, providing convenient diagnostic services. With its prime location and ...
Our company, Woo Sisters Trading, is dedicated to providing the community with high-quality healthcare products at reasonable prices. Our mission is to offer excellent value and superior quality to our customers. Our company's vision is to promote a healthier society by consistently contributing to...
Transparency in healthcare and e-commerce: detecting online fake reviews using a dense neural network model with relevance mapping In today's generation, many healthcare organizations moving towards patient-centred quality assessment, transparency strategies, and practices. Therefore, ... N Deshai,BB ...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A documentary following the story of a Little Rock barber is now Oscar-nominated. “The Barber of Little Rock” follows Arlo Washington, a local barber and the founder and CEO of PEOPLE Trust Loan Fund. The documentary was nominated in the Best Documentary Short category...