Oscar offers health insurance plans for individuals, families and employers. Find a plan that's right for you.
奥斯卡健康保险公司(Oscar Health Insurance)成立于2013年10月,虽然它被投资者定位为一家科技公司,但实质上,它是一家带着浓厚移动互联网基因的新兴医疗保险公司。 在奥巴马医改计划推出前,美国作为“唯一一个没有实现全民医保的发达国家”,政府并不强制企业为员工提供医疗保险,个人要获得医疗资金上的保障,只能自行购买...
看上去,医疗保险领域像是一个不那么邪恶的范畴,而医保公司也似乎没有其他企业那种“利益至上”的面孔。这也就是为什么Oscar Health Insurance一直很受欢迎的原因,而这家医疗保险创业公司也得到了风投的大力支持。可是在一封读者来信中,他描述的故事却让人惊讶。读完...
前不久,健康保险公司Oscar Health Insurance(简称Oscar)完成了四亿美元的新一轮融资。由富达国际领投,Google Capital、GeneralCatalyst、Founders Fund、Khosla Ventures、平安创投等多家机构跟投。本轮融资后Oscar估值达到27亿美元。创始人Kushner表示:“我们正在追赶这个占到美国GDP20%的行业,我们已经有足够的资本、品牌...
Also you should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at HealthCare.gov if:• You want to select a catastrophic health plan.• You want to enroll members of your household in dental coverage. The plans offered here do not offer pediatric dental coverage and you want to choose...
Thompson’s death earlier this month has led to anoutpouring of backlashagainst the quality of health insurance and subsequent denials across the country. “I would eliminate employer-sponsored insurance,” Bertolinitold CNBCas a potential solution to the current frustrations, adding that “the abilit...
healthcare systems went into overdrive in response to Covid-19. Oscar Health, a direct-to-consumer health insurance company, was at the forefront of the sprint to start up new services and testing. On March 6, Oscar launched a risk assessment survey and then a testing center locator for ...
Oscar, a New York City-based health insurance technology company, has raised $140 million in a funding round announced just half a year after its last $225 million raise. The new investment was headed by Tiger Global Management, and also saw funds from Dragoneer, Baillie Gifford, Coatue, Fou...
The Oscar app helps make your healthcare experience even easier. Access your plan and benefits whenever, and wherever. Here's some great stuff you can do with the app: • See all your plan information by pulling up your ID card on the go. • Find care right away – whether you’re...
Oscar Health是采用AI技术的先驱,不断开发新的医疗AI相关应用。本期节目采访了Oscar Health联合创始人、前CEO、现任技术总裁Mario Schlosser,讨论了AI在医疗领域的最大影响、GPT-4在医疗领域应用的局限性,以及为啥现在还没真正AI机器人医生。 Highlights: AI can enhance administrative healthcare processes by ...