OSCR Oscar Health 添加自选 14.610 -0.180-1.22% 收盘价 02/28 16:00 (美东) 14.920 +0.310+2.12% 盘前05:24 (美东) 36.61亿总市值146.10市盈率TTM 14.690最高价14.010最低价431.58万股成交量14.490今开14.790昨收6229.72万成交额2.12%换手率146.10市盈率(静)2.51亿总股本23.79052周最高3.61市净率29.81亿流通...
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Oscar Health, Inc. sees a significant increase in stock activity with a high turnover rate of 0.10%. 同花顺 11-19 10:00 美股内部交易 | Oscar Health于11月18日披露4笔公司内部人交易情况 Oscar Health, Inc. Class A disclosed four insider trading transactions on November 18th, including a purc...
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Oscar Health, Inc.(OSCR) is one of the several great candidates that made it through the screen. While there are numerous reasons why this stock is a great choice, here are the most vital ones: Investors' growing interest in a stock is reflected in its recent price increase. A price cha...
Oscar Health Inc-A 估值:13.50 11月6日Adam Ron - B of A Securities 对Oscar Health Inc-A(OSCR)由Neutral调整为Underperform评级,目标价格由$21.00调整为$13.50。 00 转发(0)评论(0)站内推送 Jonathan Yong2024/10/08 Oscar Health Inc-A 估值:23.00 ...
【2025 年 02 月 05 日 03 时 05 分,OscarHealth,Inc.股票波动,股价大幅跳水 5.07%】截至发稿,该股报 15.90 美元/股,成交量 283.069 万股,换手率 1.14%,振幅 5.61%。最近财报显示,该股营业收入 24.23 亿美元,净利润-54.60 百万美元,每股收益-0.22 美元,市盈率-796.00 倍。机构评级方面,8 家参与评级的机...
【2025 年 1 月 23 日 03 时 16 分,OscarHealth,Inc.股票波动,股价快速上涨 5.05%】截至发稿,该股报 16.44 美元/股,成交量 159.226 万股,换手率 0.64%,振幅 4.92%。最近财报显示,该股营业收入 24.23 亿美元,净利润-54.60 百万美元,每股收益-0.22 美元,市盈率-820.75 倍。机构评级方面,8 家参与评级的机...
Oscar Health, Inc. (OSCR) : Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on Zacks.com click here. Zacks Investment Research The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc....