openstack/osc-lib openstack/osc-libPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork10 Star15 Apache-2.0 license starsforks NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Code Pull requests Actions...
Here are 51 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars F-l-i-x/TouchOSC Star170 A collection of examples and modules for TouchOSC MK2 communityremote-controlluamodulesoscmiditutorialsmidi-controllermusic-interfacetouchoscmidi-interfacetouchosc-templatestouchosc-layouts ...
0.1.0•Public• Published3 years ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm ivrchat-osc-manager Repository ...
0.0.4•Public• Publisheda year ago 文件上传模块 基于simple-uploader.js修改,以满足业务需求,支持秒传、分片上传、断点续传。 文件上传流程: 选择文件 计算文件唯一 id(xxhash 或 md5,默认是 xxhash) 发起进度检查的请求,查询文件是否已经上传,如果已经完整上传,则属于秒传的情况,直接返回文件 url;如果没有...
It is mainly developed by Lua language, and bridges to JDBC to access database, many of the files are SQL scripts that easy to maintain. It is designed to support multiple databases, and includes 2 types of modules, one is the public module whose functions are visible across all database...
You can use it as a MIDI controller or as a custom remote control for other projects.This is a free public beta while MyOSC is in development. The final free version of MyOSC will not support custom layouts.Custom layouts go in /sdcard/MyOSCThings not yet finished:- OSC (lol)- Z ...
>>> by Public Cloud WG, with the json files, docs, json schema, etc, and a >>> second one, openstack/os-vendor-profiles - owned/managed by the >>> openstacksdk team that's just like os-service-types [3] and is a >>> tiny/thin library that exposes the files to python (so ...
class ExamplePacketListener : public osc::OscPacketListener { protected: virtual void ProcessMessage( const osc::ReceivedMessage& m, const IpEndpointName& remoteEndpoint ) { try{ // example of parsing single messages. osc::OscPacketListener
publicstaticfunctionajaxPayment(){ $status =self::processPayment(); $data = payment_get_custom(Params::getParam('extra')); $product_type = explode('x', $data['product']);if($status == PAYMENT_COMPLETED) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(sprintf(__('Success! Please write down this transactio...
# Generating public/private rsa key pair... 查看你的public key,并把他添加到 Git @ OSC cat ~/.ssh/ # ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC6eNtGpNGwstc... 添加后,在终端(Terminal)中输入 ssh...