os_timer_setfn(&station_chk_timer, station_connect_status_check_timercb, &station_chk_timer);os_timer_arm(&station_chk_timer, interval,1);// 重复,每秒检查一次,若连上后取消,连接断开或其他事件重启此 timeros_printf("station checker timer start completed\n"); } 开发者ID:alexsunday,项目名称...
单项选择题 os_timer_setfn 必须在 timer 未使能的情况下调⽤,在 os_timer_arm 或 os_timer_arm_us 之前或者 os_timer_disarm 之后( ) A. 对 B. 错 点击查看答案
Hi, The osTimerNew requires pvPortMalloc/pvPortFree, even with only static allocation is selected. I migrated to CMSIS OS v2 because of explicit support in all the APIs for using static only memory allocation (i.e. owner module allocated...
[ ] Question I am debugging MSIS-RTOS error: Stack overflow (status: 0x1, task ID: 0x20005C04, task name: (null)) which comes from the osRtxTimerThread. What are the possible things that could have caused timer thread stack usage increas...