前言 本文主要介绍如何在CasaOS系统设备内使用docker安装可跨网络、跨平台进行文件的同步神器SyncThing,并结合cpolar内网穿透工具配置公网地址,轻松实现随时随地远程访问本地部署的SyncThing web页面进行同步管理与相关配置操作。 由于目前大家在使用docker命令拉取镜像安装应用时,经常出现无法正常docker pull...
AsyncTask guarantees that all callback calls are synchronized to ensure the following without explicit synchronizations. The memory effects of #onPreExecute, and anything else executed before the call to #execute, including the construction of the AsyncTask object, are visible to #doInBackground...
In addition to features found in GDB 7.7, there are several other new features: Support for Intel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions (Intel® TSX) Improved Fortran support 4.2 Using GNU* GDB This debugger is designed to debug IA-32 or Intel® 64 application...
Set-SCGuestOSProfile [-GuestOSProfile] <GuestOSProfile> [-ProductKey <String>] [-GuiRunOnceCommands <String[]>] [-LocalAdministratorCredential <VMMCredential>] [-MergeAnswerFile <Boolean>] [-AnswerFile <Script>] [-OperatingSystem <OperatingSystem>] [-LinuxDomainName <String>] [-Shielded <Bo...
Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is u...
Specifies the extension property that Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software relies on. -p AffinityOn=True Specifies that theSUNW.HAStoragePlusresource must perform an affinity switchover for the global devices and cluster file systems defined by-x GlobalDevicePaths=. Therefore, when the replicatio...
Manual synchronization of the On-Prem Server to CSSM might be required to get the return response to the device. (Cisco NX-OS 9.3(5) and later releases)● Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 9.3(5), the conversion of a traditional license to a Smart License using DLC (Device Led ...
including blocking on kernel synchronization objects (events, timers, semaphores and so on.), preemption by a higher priority thread, quantum expiration, and changes in thread affinity. A certain amount of context switches are always expected. However, excessive context switching can be an indication...
Slob: Fix threads synchronization while full-text indexing DSL: Fix full-text indexing for case of unsorted parts in headword Fix comments stripping while CSS isolation Qt5: Use QRegularExpression instead of QRegExp in many cases Use Alt+LClick in the "Found in Dictionaries" pane as LClick in...
The synchronization script will not delete files from the standby bootflash directories unless it explicitly receives a delete event for the corresponding file on the active bootflash directories. Sometimes, the standby bootflash might have more used space tha...