Chapter-2 第二章 1. 操作系统的设计目标: 抽象、高性能、保护、不间断运行。 抽象:建立一些“抽象”,让操作系统方便和易于使用; 高性能:最小化操作系统的开销 保护:确保一个程序的恶意或意外情况不会损害其他程序; 不间断运行:操作系统必须一直运行,当他失效时,系统上的其他所有运行的程序都会失效; Chapter-4 ...
Chapter-2 第二章 1. 操作系统的设计目标: 抽象、高性能、保护、不间断运行。 抽象:建立一些“抽象”,让操作系统方便和易于使用; 高性能:最小化操作系统的开销 保护:确保一个程序的恶意或意外情况不会损害其他程序; 不间断运行:操作系统必须一直运行,当他失效时,系统上的其他所有运行的程序都会失效; Chapter-4 ...
【OS学习】之 进程初识(Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces ),前言:怎么越看越懵逼╮(╯▽╰)╭在shell下运行process-run.py来模拟进程(1)进程状态(2)
该测量实验首先要解决的是如何强制两个进程在同一个 CPU 上运行,在多个 CPU 系统中,Linux 系统提供了 sched_setaffinity()系统调用,该函数通过CPU之间的亲和力掩码,可以使多个进程/线程绑定到同一个 CPU 中,从而最大化程序执行的速度。 其次,为了测量上下文切换的时间,需要在单个 CPU 上运行两个进程并在它们之间...
lulu10922 / os_three_easy_pieces Watch 1 Star 0 Fork 0 Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights master 1 branch 0 tags Go to file Code Latest commit Git stats 4 commits Files Type Name Latest commit message Commit time 26 33 mem mem.c ...
线程(thread)。经典观点是一个程序只有一个执行点(一个程序计数器,用来存放要执行的指令),但多线程(multi-threaded)程序会有多个执行点(多个程序计数器,每个都用于取指令和执行)。 换一个角度来看,每…
For an extensive paging introduction take a look at the paging chapter ([PDF][paging chapter]) of the [Three Easy Pieces] OS book. 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 blog/content/post/ Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -10,7 +...
If you never heard of paging, you might want to look at the paging introduction (PDF) of the Three Easy Pieces OS book.In long mode, x86 uses a page size of 4096 bytes and a 4 level page table that consists of:the Page-Map Level-4 Table (PML4), the Page-Directory Pointer Table...
memory management scheme that separates virtual and physical memory. The address space is split into equal sizedpagesandpage tablesspecify which virtual page points to which physical frame. For an extensive paging introduction take a look at the paging chapter (PDF) of theThree Easy PiecesOS book...
A file contains individual units of information, called records, that each contain related pieces of data. Each piece of information in a record is called a field, and how the fields are organized is defined in a record format (often just called a format). When you run a query to ...