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OPERATE_RET tuya_iot_wf_soc_dev_init(IN CONST GW_WF_CFG_MTHD_SEL cfg, IN CONST GW_WF_START_MODE start_mode, IN CONST TY_IOT_CBS_S *cbs, IN CONST CHAR_T *product_key, IN CONST CHAR_T *wf_sw_ver); Description The Wi-Fi SoC device initialization interface. Parameter ParameterDes...
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Contribution description This PR fixes some links to board images an pinouts in the documentation of some ESP32x boards. Testing procedure Without this PR, the following board documentation has som...
Statistical analysis between LYCHOS and buffer were carried out by two-sided paired t-test (**P =0.002 < 0.01). Data represented mean ± SD from three independent experiments. b, Chromatography profile of cholesterol in LYCHOS sample and buffer. The intensity represents the peak height of ...
图12示出,已设置断点的指令t的执行生成引起到SEL 1250控制的过渡1201的调试异常。SEL 1250因而依赖其在暂停方法1100(图11)期间设置的断点来确定恢复纤程的时间。 图12示出,响应于过渡1201,SEL 1250开始纤程恢复方法1200的执行。该方法从块1202开始,并继续到块1204。在块1204,执行验证以证实适当的纤程已生成调试异常...
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