发生Application Errors后OS会调用ErrorHook(), ErrorHook()函数是callout函数,函数原型: (void) ErrorHook(StatusType Error); 参数Error标识具体的错误码 发生Protection Errors后OS会调用ProtectionHook(), ProtectionHook函数是callout函数,函数原型: ProtectionReturnType ProtectionHook(StatusType Fatalerror); 参数Fa...
Supported Resistance Level Range Supported Power Range Supported Heart Rate Range Fitness Machine Control Point Fitness Machine Status FTMS 华为扩展特征值 蓝牙样例代码介绍 设计及部署二维码和 NFC 标签 准备及提交素材资源文件 准备素材资源文件 提交素材资源文件 蓝牙模块功能测试 与...
Training Status Supported Speed Range Supported Inclination Range Supported Resistance Level Range Supported Power Range Supported Heart Rate Range Fitness Machine Control Point Fitness Machine Status FTMS 华为扩展特征值 蓝牙样例代码介绍 设计及部署二维码和 NFC 标签 准备及提交素材资源...
StatusType TerminateTask(void)返回Status值标准的:不返回到调用层拓展的: · 任务仍然占据资源,E_OS_RESOURCE · 调用在中断层,E_OS_CALLEVEL一致性类别:全类别该服务导致调用任务的结束。调用任务从running状态转换到suspended状态。分配到调用任务的内部的资源被自动的释放。其他的被该任务占据的资源应该被释放在...
status:显示状态 prompt:交互式 hash:每传送1024字节显示#(hash) size:显示文件大小 reset:重置 10. vi a,i:进入输入状态 ESC:返回命令状态 :命令模式 Q!:退出 11. 快键及其他 Alt+F1~F6:访问多个虚拟控制台(不适用于Unix-Center) Tab:命令补全 ...
MRYFLYGUY Author User level: Level 2 224 points OSStatus error -50 in Automator I created an Automator App to launch and run a "match Me Do" script so I can put Speedtest on a CAL schedule (which I have done before). The Automator runs successfully but terminates in an OSStatus Error...
*/voidErrorHook( StatusType error ){ TaskType task;staticstructLogBadLogBad[ERROR_LOG_SIZE];staticuint8_tErrorCount =0;printf("ErrorHook: %d\r\n", error); GetTaskID(&task); OsServiceIdType service =OSErrorGetServiceId();/* Grab the arguments to the functions ...
(void) ErrorHook(StatusType Error); 参数Error标识具体的错误码 发生Protection Errors后OS会调用ProtectionHook(), ProtectionHook函数是callout函数,函数原型: ProtectionReturnType ProtectionHook(StatusType Fatalerror); 参数Fatalerror标识具体的错误码
It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. ![c++_icon] eul - macOS status monitoring app written in SwiftUI. ...