</p><p>PUROLITE Filter Pharmacy</p><p>Schiele Systron PM Art.Nr. 2.423.421.00 SCHIELE PM systron Busmodul Interbus?</p><p>DICHTOMATIK KK03-160-130-25.4/6.35 77277</p><p>DINA ELEKTRONIK 10PM00 DNDS PM</p><p>harting NR.09210073131</p><p>EUROTHERM 3216/CC/VH/LR/R/xxx/S/ENG/P...
GPs will distribute the randomized medication in the pre-established order set by the University Pharmacy Basel. For each medication package dispensed, the GP will record at the time of randomization the individual participants’ code, the allocated medication label and the dispensation date in a ...