OSMaps For Android Wear能让你在你的智能手表上直接查看地图,同时软件还支持超过300个城市的地图离线模式使用,你还能在地图上标记不同的属性标签,这些标签将会在地图上显示出来,就像一张你的专属地图一样。 【软件特色】 OSMaps For Android Wear对智能手表的屏幕没有要求,不管你是方形表盘还是圆形表盘,软件都可以...
OSMaps for Android Wear allows you to view Open Street Maps directly on your Android Wear device. Maps are accessible both in online in offline mode.In online mode the app downloads data directly from OpenStreetMap server.For offline mode you can pre-load maps onto your phone and then tran...
通过AppAuth接入华为帐号 通过AppAuth接入华为帐号(Android) 通过AppAuth接入华为帐号(iOS) 设置回调地址 华为帐号登录图标使用规范 在Eclipse项目中集成HMS Core SDK accountservertool.jar工具包使用说明 AppTouch应用Authorization Code模式接入华为帐号(OAuth 2.0) 广告服务 业务介绍 Android 流量变现服务...
通过AppAuth接入华为帐号(Android) 通过AppAuth接入华为帐号(iOS) 设置回调地址 华为帐号登录图标使用规范 在Eclipse项目中集成HMS Core SDK accountservertool.jar工具包使用说明 AppTouch应用Authorization Code模式接入华为帐号(OAuth 2.0) 广告服务 业务介绍 Android 流量变现服务(Java & Kotlin) 版本更...
A special type-safe container, called Bundle, is available for key/value maps of heterogeneous values. This has many optimizations for improved performance when reading and writing data, and its type-safe API avoids difficult to debug type errors when finally marshalling the data contents into a ...
Privacy Redirect for Safari - Redirect Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Google Maps, Google Search, and Google Translate to privacy friendly alternatives. browserosaurus - macOS tool that prompts you to choose a browser when opening a link. otter-browser - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best ...
The only thing you’re missing is Google apps such as theGoogle Play Store, Google Play Services,Gmail, and Google Maps. You’re going to flash the ZIP file of GApps you downloaded in the second step in the same fashion as you flashed Lineage OS. ...
com.google.android.apps.maps Google Maps A címek navigálásra engedélyezettek. com.android.documentsui Android-dokumentumválasztó Fájl megnyitásakor vagy létrehozásakor engedélyezett. com.google.android.documentsui Android-dokumentumválasztó (Android 10+) Fájl megnyitásakor vagy lét...
Google Mobile Services Test Suite 意为谷歌移动服务测试套件,谷歌移动服务提供了Search、 Search by Voice、Gmail、Contact Sync、 Calendar Sync、Talk、 Maps、 Steet View、 YouTube、 Android Market (Play store)等服务,当用户使用谷歌时,谷歌可以把各种广告嵌入到谷歌的服务中。 3)CTS-ON-GSI GenericSystemIma...
2.sunmap now only support Web Mercator projection such as Google Maps,OpenStreetMaps,Bing Maps,ArcGis online,Map ABC. 3.Now,it still has a long way to go,and the project is a little disordered(main problem is about cross-platform folder)。I am afraid you can not run it on Android pla...