For instance, it is an open question to what extent such multi-modal perception influences the amputees' way of using and interacting with their own prosthesis during activities of daily living. Additionally, it would be interesting to investigate the interactions between touch and hearing, and how...
We will answer the question in this work using the LiBO3-type FE tLriaNnbsiOti3oannodf LiTaO are two important FEs these materials is believed to which have been investigated intensively be of order-disorder character. Shown in in the past years8–13. The Fig. 1 is the hypothetical ...
If the answer to the first question is yes, then that is identified as a potential migration issue. Also, the amount of overall work involved in converting CICS security to RACF, and who will do that work, is identified in the plan. You will not begin that work until you have ...
系统标签: imperativeglossosprokopovixrakovskijformnon Issue1,Spring2001http://seelrc/glossos/TheSlavicandEastEuropeanLanguageResourceCenterglossos@seelrcAlinaIsraeliAmericanUniversityAnimperativeforminnon-imperativeconstructionsinRussianThispaperwillrevisitthenon-imperativeusesoftheRussiansecondpersonsingularimperativefor...