is in the bursa located between the skin of the heel and the Achilles tendon. This attaches the calf muscles to the heel. It is aggravated by a type of walking that presses the soft heel tissue into the hard back support of a shoe. ...
oPfETEiK(1is02a–1p1o0lyGarPoam) aatnicdsevmeriy-crcylostsaellitnoeththeerhmuompalnasttircabpeocluymlarerbwoniteh (a1nGePlaas)tic[8m,1o2]d.uMluosroeof v3e–r4, GthPea m(Teacbhlaen1i)c,awl shtircehngisthmsuocfhPlEoEwKercathnabnethenathaonf cTeid(1b0y2–t1h1e0inGcPoar)poanrad...