First, it is a history of the reception and non-reception of Aquinas' philosophy/theology among the Orthodox theological community. Second, within the context of this history, Plested examines the doctrinal issues that surround the various responses to Aquinas' thought. While the filioque controversy...
An Orthodox View of AbortionThe Amicus Curiae Submitted to the Supreme CourtNo. 88-605 In The Supreme Court of the United States October Term, 1988 WILLIAM L. WEBSTER; STATE OF MISSOURI, Appellants, v. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES; PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER KANSAS CITY; HOWARD I. SCHWARTZ...
These were things I never heard before. I had always assumed Jesus died on the cross and that was it. This was the first I heard of a resurrection from the dead, or at least took it to heart. Up to this time, death was very hopeless to me and made me view everything as vanity....
“Well,” say these defenders of Mary’s sinlessness, “Sola Scriptura is an abhorrent doctrine that the ancients did not teach. Apostolic oral tradition that confirms her sinlessness, immaculate conception, and assumption are true. Hence, Protestants by rejecting God’s other source of revelation...
Thomas Aquinas on the Immateriality of the Human Intellect by Adam Wood (review) It has the potential to bring Orthodox theology both to its roots and, with its retrieval of the sources, to a deeper critical but ecumenical engagement... Daniel D. De Haan - The Thomist: A Speculative Quar...
The film’s thesis also uncomfortably pushes the filmmaker outside the consciousness of the early Reformers who thought (wrongly) that the early fatherswerein agreement with themselves. They did not view Saints Augustine, Ambrose, or Jerome as overall unreliable or dangerous (or why quote them?)...
Thomas Aquinas, “He steadfastly refrains from designating the Greeks as heretics. Preferring rather to speak of their errors born of ignorance or stubbornness.” And elsewhere he says, “The Greeks were undoubtedly to be seen as church, possessed of grace and inheritors of a shared tradition...
‘view of science as the ‘only’ true knowledge…” This, he argues inevitably leads to a technocratic totalitarianism. He states, “Now, an advocate of scientism, and a society based on his way of thinking, cannot help being totalitarian inasmuch as his conception of sci...
In hisSumma Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas asks, “Whether thankfulness is a virtue, distinct from the other virtues?” Dr. Michael Austin explains: “For him, the answer is yes, because thankfulness is ‘a special part of justice.’ Giving thanks to our benefactors, those who have given ...
By the thirteenth century, the dominant view was that unbaptized infants would suffer only the pain of loss. In 1201 Pope Innocent III expressed this opinion in a letter to the archbishop of Arles. Actual sin, the Holy Father asserted, is punished by the eternal torment of hell; origina...