Great Lent. The fasting rules for Great Lent are outlined in most Orthodox calendars and cookbooks. b. Apostles' Fast. This fasting period starts the Monday after the Sunday of All Saints. It is generally less severe, allowing fish on weekends and on several Feast Days during the Fast. ...
Unlike Great Lent, the Advent Season stands without additional weekday services or Sunday remembrances that would help us keep the fast for the forty days and help prepare us for Christ’s birth. I have always been disturbed that the Church has not responded to this lacuna, that is, until ...
Triodion–Great Lent–Pascha Saints & Feasts of February Saints & Feasts of March Saints and Feasts of April Saints & Feasts of the Month Baptism – Chrismation Books in 18 Languages! WHOLESALE Paterikon Boxes Support our FREE SHIPPING! Refund Policy Contact Us More...
Surgeon General has retrospectively lent this case a measure of prominence.Footnote 19 But more than his fame, Koop’s identity as a Bible-believing doctor—a key factor in his appointment to the position of surgeon general—is important to our understanding of this case as it relates to the...
Similarly, we begin Great Lent which leads to Holy Pascha (Easter) and Pentecost, then all the Sundays After Pentecost – then the cycle begins anew with the preparatory weeks before Great Lent for the following year. All this, until the Lord comes in glory – or until we die – ...
- (Matins service, 1st Sunday of Lent) Lovers of Truth The search for truth is a matter of Life or Death. One cannot stop halfway, appeased by deceptive satisfactions. But the search is not merely a horizontal survey of all the world's ideas. One must honestly dig deeper into oneself...
While staying in Constantinople, the Lord’s favorite converted many from pestilent Nestorianism to Orthodoxy, and warned the faithful not to be deceived by false doctrines. Her God-given wisdom invariably prevailed over the sophistical argumentation of the heretics. The venerable one, who was full...
stroke not long after Pearson’s death and I’ll soon turn seventy myself, so the issue of eternal life with God versus eternal separation from God is now front and center for me and people of my generation. Great Lent is a good time for us to sober up and take stock of our lives...
2. Nous: The word has various uses in Patristic teaching. It indicates either the soul or the heart or even the energy of the soul. Yet, the nous is mainly the eye of the soul, the purest part of the soul, the highest attention. It is also called noetic energy,and it is not iden...
We are witnessing blatant lawlessness: Several strong and rich countries, inso-lently considering themselves the worldwide arbiters of good and evil, trample the will of people who want to live differently. Bombs and missiles are raining down on this land not because they are protecting someone....