Birth Control in Jewish Law: Marital Relations, Contraception, and Abortion as Set Forth in the Classic Texts of Jewish Law including the "pill," and the question of intentional abortion.As the author himself points out in his preface, the three alignments of modern Judaism—Orthodox, Conservativ...
With one mind and one heart, we also resolve that her honorable remains be considered as holy relics; that a special service be composed in her honor; that her feast be celebrated on November 10 (October 28, old style) on the Feast of All Saints of North America, the Second Sunday afte...
When it comes to healing schism, it is helpful to look to a time when there was unity then to locate the time or occasion when the two traditions diverged. (SeeSeverance and Graves.) Both Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy are in agreement as regards the authority and inspiration of the First...
In 1977, conjoined twins were born to an Orthodox Jewish family in Lakewood, New Jersey; they were treated at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. Fo