Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese -- Ecumenical Patriarchate located in Potomac, MD
Transportation to ChurchDo you need transportation to Church? Or would you be able to bring a parishioner, who doesn’t drive, to church from time to time? If you answered “yes” to either question, please contact Alexey Shevelkin. He is coordinating our parish’s efforts to offer ...
St Thomas Church, Baltimore, Maryland Very Rev. Anthony J. DeLuca, Ph.D Corepiscopos (718) 698-0700 (Home)DeLuca@UN.int Very Rev. Bobby Joseph Corepiscopos Corepiscopos (630) 624-6303 (Cell)(770) 564-0364 (Home)bobbyjachen@gmail.com Very Rev. Dr. Thomas Itty Corepiscopos (Retir...
In 1977, conjoined twins were born to an Orthodox Jewish family in Lakewood, New Jersey; they were treated at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. Fo
Rita Wilsonwrote about the importance of the Easter holiday in the Greek Orthodox faith in an op-ed. "I have to say, the Greeks know how to do Easter. Make no mistake. This is the most important holiday in our church. It is a beautiful week," she said. ...
The package includes all the books pictured on this page and the big and beautiful Paterikon display. If you also need cubes to use in the car or at church, let me know, text 410-734-2771, or write to me at Dionysios@Potamitis.us....
Thursday, April 10 - 10:00 am - Vesperal Divine Liturgy Annunciation Saturday, April 12 - 10:00 am - Divine Liturgy Lazarus Sunday / Palm Sunday Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church A Church of theUkrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
And in some cases we may witness punishment meted out to those who will not go along “for fellowship’s sake.” Persecuting those who want to pray and live as the Church has always done and taught while preaching the necessity of “radical inclusion” is mentally stressful as well as non...
Zapheires, C.: 1991, Ai Ambloseis kai e Orthodoxos Ekklesia: Theseis kai Antitheseis, (Greek, Abortions and the Orthodox Church: Theses and Antitheses), n.p., Athens. Google Scholar Zion, W. B.: 1992, Eros and Transformation: Sexuality and Marriage, An Eastern Orthodox Perspective, ...