The frequency of control visits with a retention appliance in my practice is: (a) Every month (b) Every 3 months (c) Every six months (d) Once a year (e) The first and second visit every 3 months, and then every six months (f) The first visit after a month, the second after...
Orthodontic Products is a leading source for orthodontists seeking practical solutions for their practices. We provide the latest product news and technique tips, as well as articles by experts on topics including efficient treatment, staff management, a
Shimmin Consulting customized approach involves tailoring treatment plans, management strategies, and patient experiences to address the unique needs and goals of each orthodontic practice. DIGITAL Leveraging advanced technologies such as digital imaging, treatment planning software, and virtual communication to...
Shimmin Consulting customized approach involves tailoring treatment plans, management strategies, and patient experiences to address the unique needs and goals of each orthodontic practice. DIGITAL Leveraging advanced technologies such as digital imaging, treatment planning software, and virtual communication to...
The manuscript management system is completely online and includes a very quick and fair peer-review system. Visit to read real quotes from published authors. Submit your manuscript here:
case report; cleidocranial dysplasia; supplementary teeth; supernumerary teeth; surgical extraction; genetic alteration; orthodontic and surgical management1. Introduction Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) (OMIM#119600), also known as Marie and Sainton disease, is a fully penetrant, autosomal dominant genetic ...
Review management tool used by local businesses to get more reviews. Tavata Two-way text-based website chat widget with Pay-Per-Text payment structure. Services Search Engine Optimization Get found on Search Results Google Ads (PPC) Gain more exposure ...
2D Digital Radiographs: Should be handled the same as digital photographs: JPEG format. All imaging software and practice management software should have the capability of exporting and importing digital radiographs in JPEG format. 3D Digital Radiographs (CBCT Scans): The original unaltered DICOM ( ....
Orthodontic postcard marketing is an amazing tool for any practice to boost new cases or to promote a new practice. See design samples here.
[3,4]. The space maintainer can also be used in the case of permanent tooth agenesis when it is not possible to close the space through orthodontic therapy, allowing future management of space. To ensure the proper development of occlusion, which is a key responsibility of pediatric dentists ...