The wordeugenic, like the nameEugene, includes the Greek root meaning "born". Breeders of farm animals have long usedeugenicmethods to produce horses that run faster, for example, or pigs that provide more meat. Througheugenics, Holstein cows have become one of the world's highest producers ...
1.a combining form meaning “straight,”“upright,”“right,”“correct”:orthodontics; orthopedic. 2. a.a combining form used in the name of the most hydrated acid in a given series:orthoboric acid.Comparemeta- (def. 2a),pyro- (def. 2a). ...
Of other subjects than religion or theology from 1640s. Meaning "of or pertaining to the Greek Church," by 1772. In reference to a branch of Judaism, recorded from 1853; as a noun meaning "an Orthodox Jew," by 1889. orthognathous(adj.) ...
before vowelsorth-, word-forming element meaning "straight, upright, rectangular, regular; true, correct, proper," now mostly in scientific and technical compounds, from Greekorthos"straight, true, correct, regular," from PIE*eredh-"high" (source also of Sanskriturdhvah"high, lofty, steep,"...
Just remember that you are hearing those who authored the scriptures singing of their meaning, not doing archaeology from “the original Greek” and not taking them out of the context of the community that wrote them, with the fullness of *all* that it is saying and doing, and was before...
which in the Greek language differentiateshomoiousion,“of similar essence,” fromhomoousion,“coessential.”[2]“Those who call these men [i.e., Arians] Christians are in great and grievous error,” writes St. Athanasius the Great.[3]Thus did this adamant of Orthodoxy argue definitively ...
1.a combining form meaning “straight,”“upright,”“right,”“correct”:orthodontics; orthopedic. 2. a.a combining form used in the name of the most hydrated acid in a given series:orthoboric acid.Comparemeta- (def. 2a),pyro- (def. 2a). ...
before vowels orth-, word-forming element meaning "straight, upright, rectangular, regular; true, correct, proper," now mostly in scientific and technical compounds, from Greek orthos "straight, true, correct, regular," from PIE *eredh- "high" (source also of Sanskrit urdhvah "high, lofty...
The wordeugenic, like the nameEugene, includes the Greek root meaning "born". Breeders of farm animals have long usedeugenicmethods to produce horses that run faster, for example, or pigs that provide more meat. Througheugenics, Holstein cows have become one of the world's highest producers...