This study aims to investigate and quantify the impact of worksite physical hazards as a whole on ambulatory heart rate of professional taxi drivers while driving without their typical worksite psychosocial stressors. Ambulatory heart rate (HRdriving) of 13 non-smoking male taxi drivers (24 to ...
(2014) show that a threshold of 30% clearcut area within a catchment should not be crossed in order to keep N, P, suspended sediments and C within normal range in Finnish production forests. Somewhat lower thresholds (11–25%) were found for DOC in northern Sweden (Schelker et al., ...
Nearly 650 invertebrate-impaired waters were identified nationwide, and sediment was the most common pollutant in bedded (63%) and suspended (9%) forms. This finding is not unexpected, given previous work on the negative impacts of sediment on aquatic life, and highlights the need to more ...
32. An exposure to a stressor combined with a positive co-tolerance should reduce the impact of a second stressor, while a negative co-tolerance would have the adverse effect57. We here applied
Brown has also speculated that suspended ice crystals could abrade the gill epithelium causing hemorrhage and erosions (Brown, Stanislawski, and Mackay 1993). An analogy was made to the damage to gill epithelial produced by barbed spines on species of diatoms. The referenced paper describe the ...
varied among training scenarios: alarms, flickering lights, and degraded visibility from smoke. Priority was given to stressor manipulations that did not affect tasks requirements, to avoid later confounds in experimental design. The goal was to increase stress while keeping the task requirements the ...
(Standard Deviation, SD) to 26.3 ± 0.10% SD, with bleaching driving declines in most corals. Management zone was unrelated to coral decline, but shifts from massive morphologies toward more complex foliose and branching corals were apparent across all zones, reflecting a park-wide reduction in ...
The availability of MMH in sub-surface oceanic waters is confirmed by the stable isotopic signature of Hg in suspended particulates, plankton, and fish [60]. In the stratified Mediterranean water column, MMHg is mainly produced in intermediate low-oxygen waters, where the warm temperature and the...
Flooring of upper decks (non-slip metal grate over a solid metal sheet) differed ac2c.3o.rSdtuindygBt:oCcomraptaeristoynpoef ;thtehDeescktaLnevdelawrdithcinraatCerflatoe or was fixed and the convertible crate floor was suspended, providing slightly less stability. Pens on the lower decks ...