Orlando (character) Orlando di Lasso orle Orléanais Orleanism Orleanist Orléans orlistat Orlo Orlon orlop orlop deck Orlov Orly Orly Group Ormandy Ormandy Eugene Ormazd ormer ormolu ormolu varnish Ormonde Ormosia Ormosia coarctata Ormosia monosperma Ormuz ▼...
(Biography) the greatest of the legendary 12 peers (paladins, of whom Oliver was another) in attendance on Charlemagne; he died in battle at Roncesvalles (778 ad) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003...
Orlando di Lasso was a Flemish composer whose music stands at the apex of the Franco-Netherlandish style that dominated European music of the Renaissance. As a child he was a choirboy at St. Nicholas in Mons and because of his beautiful voice was kidnapp