公司介绍 协和发酵麒麟(Kyowa Hakko Kirin) 是一家以研发为基础、以生物技术为特别优势的生命科学公司。协和发酵麒麟集团公司通过追求生命科学的技术进步创造新价值,努力为全世界人类的健康和福祉做出贡献。 ... 了解更多... 年度总结 业务概述 (2013年12月31日現在) 医药 净销售额年同比增加0.6%,达2610亿...
About Orion Oyj Series B Orion Oyj develops, manufactures, and markets human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. It specializes in central nervous system disorders, oncology, and respiratory diseases. The firm's customers are specialist and general practitioners, veterinarian...
Orion Oyj的价格/现金及短期投资于December 2022触及5年低点,是19.6x。 Orion Oyj的价格/现金及短期投资于2020 (21.2x, -65.6%)、2022 (19.6x, -40.3%)和2024 (38.6x, -45.4%)减少和于2021 (32.7x, +54.5%)和2023 (70.7x, +261.6%)增加。
Orion Oyj的平均价格/现金及短期投资(5年)排名为第36.1x名,处于板块内83.2%的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块医疗保健的平均价格/现金及短期投资(5年) 经济风险区类别 发达 全部成分股 2,461 包括的成分股 2,363 分钟 0.8x 最大值 4,271.4x 中位数 7.9x 平均值 79.4x 标准差 368.9x 用本选股器选...
Orion Oyj (ORINY) stock price is 26.30 and Orion Oyj (ORINY) 200-day simple moving average is 23.41. ORINY Relative Strength Charting intervals 1M 6M 1Y 5Y People Also Follow SymbolLast PriceChange NRILYNomura Research Institute, Ltd. ...
Check out our ORINY stock analysis, current ORINY quote, charts, and historical prices for Orion Oyj stock
Orion Oyj Series B Orion Oyj develops, manufactures, and markets human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. It specializes in central nervous system disorders, oncology, and respiratory diseases. The firm's customers are specialist and general practitioners, veterinarians, ...
Orion Oyj Series B Annual balance sheet by MarketWatch. View all ORNBV assets, cash, debt, liabilities, shareholder equity and investments.
Orion Oyj is one Finland's leading pharmaceutical companies, marketing some 250 products in Finland and claiming about a one-third share of the domestic market. Orion also develops and markets drugs for the global market, notably in the fields of Parkinson's Disease and heart disease treatment....
明晟公司MSCI北欧国家指数涨0.1%,报361.42点。Orion Oyj涨7.0%,领跑一众成分股。销售强劲之际,该公司 明晟公司MSCI北欧国家指数涨0.1%,报361.42点。Orion Oyj涨7.0%,领跑一众成分股。销售强劲之际,该公司上修业绩展望。