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厂:Orion Corporation.Finland芬兰奥立安 登录可见/瓶/盒珂丹 恩他卡朋片 0.2g*30s 厂:Orion Corporation.Finland芬兰奥立安 国家监管国家食品药品监督管理总局认证 正品保障严格质量把关 100%正品 值得信赖 价格实惠最大限度压缩中间环节费用 专业服务1对1客服,为您排忧解难...
Orion Corporation(Finland) 使用说明 替莫唑胺胶囊的作用与功效 本品用于治疗:新诊断的多形性胶质母细胞瘤,开始先与放疗联合治疗,随后作为辅助治疗;常规治疗后复发或进展的多形性胶质母细胞瘤或间变性星形细胞瘤。 替莫唑胺胶囊的用药指导 新诊断的多形性胶质母细胞瘤的成人患者。(详见说明书) ...
药企名称:Orion Corporation(芬兰) 药企地址:Orionintie 1,02200 Espoo,Finland 邮政编码: 联系人: 联系电话:358-10-4291 传真电话: 电子信箱:最受医生好评的药企1爱科来医疗科技(平(分享0人) 2四川德峰药业有限公(分享0人) 3四川宝鉴堂药业有限(分享0人)...
Jubilant Life Sciences, the Bengaluru-based subsidiary of Jubilant Life Sciences, has signed a drug discovery pact with Finland's Orion Corporation to develop medicines in the neuro-science therapeutic area. "The research deal is aimed at developing drug that can benefit large population with unmet...
Orion Corporation Liisa Hurme President and CEOOlli Huotari Executive Vice President, Corporate Functions Publisher: Orion Corporation Communications Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland http://www.orionpharma.com Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of wel...
Orion Corporation Communications Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland http://www.orion.fi/en http://www.twitter.com/OrionCorpIR Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of well-being for over a hundred years. We develop, manufacture and market human and vete...
Orion Corporation Communications Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland http://www.orion.fi/en Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of well-being for over a hundred years. We develop, manu...
Contact person:Tuukka Hirvonen,Investor Relations,Orion Corporationtel. +358 10 426 2721 Publisher:Orion CorporationCommunicationsOrionintie 1A, FI-02200Espoo, Finlandwww.orionpharma.com Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of well-being for over a hundr...
地址Koivu-Mankkaan Tie 6 A Fi-02200 Espoo,Finland 国家/地区芬兰 公司官网暂无权限 公司联系电话暂无权限 公司邮箱暂无权限 公司简介Fermion为全球通用市场的公司以及与专注于新化学实体(NCE)的公司的独家合同开发,制造和销售活性药物成分(API)。我们的产品组合包括30多种通用API和10多种NCE。Fermion是Orion Corpora...