成本较低的是alt-azimuth mount,这里我找了一张更清楚的图 Courtesy of Paul M. @ BBC Sky at Night Magazine。可以看到Altaz mount的两个调整自由度,azimuth和altitude。Dob里使用的就是Alt-az。但它的缺点是不能很精确实时地弥补地球自转带来的影响。赤道仪(equatorial mount)就能很好地弥补这一点,结构上和Alt...
Just remember its alt-az so the image slowing rotates in the FOV. That limits the maximum length of each frame depending on the magnification. Also the mount does not have any autoguider input as I remember and you can't actually mount it equatorially like say a Nexstar mount which you ...
This approach doesn't require a scale on the scope and it does not require the base mount to be perfectly level. This approach works on any type of scope. Using an angle gauge to help find targets – AltAz coordinates https://www.cloudyni...t-polluted-sky/ Attached Thumbnails Edited by...
Really superior to the M8. The computer assisted AZ mount is a great invention, specially well designed on the C8, very easy to set up and to handle, as is the M8 too, but which is less compact. I also found the M8 tripod less sturdy. But both are adjustable which is really useful...
成本较低的是alt-azimuth mount,这里我找了一张更清楚的图 Courtesy of Paul M. @ BBC Sky at Night Magazine。可以看到Altaz mount的两个调整自由度,azimuth和altitude。Dob里使用的就是Alt-az。但它的缺点是不能很精确实时地弥补地球自转带来的影响。赤道仪(equatorial mount)就能很好地弥补这一点,结构上和...
I then selected a few targets, M45, the Moon, etc and I was no where close. The moon was about 6-8 degrees off to the lower right side, M45 was about 2 degrees off to the right. It seemed like the mount was over compensating. So I said, I'll redo this all in ALT AZ mode ...
If you are thinking about a tripod and an EQ or Alt-Az head that is big enough that will be a very heavy and expensive undertaking. I had an 8 inch f/5 newt on a GEM and the total rig weight was around 75 lbs. A 10 would probably 120 lbs or more. ...
Here is how I got around that problem, a Sky-Watcher AZ Pronto Alt-Az mount: The scope mounts with its dovetail rail on the bottom. No more focus knobs hitting the side of the mount. Problem solved. By the way, that 2" 30mm UFF in this AT72EDII is providing a 4.8° field of ...
. It's a very mountable shape. I have the Astroview version, and the Astroview mount is easily able to handle it. I would recommend an alt-az mounting over an equatorial one, though; this kind of very fast, widefield telescope doesn't really benefit much from an equatorial mount....
nice wide field, fast achro might be nice to compliment my SCT's long focal length." Plus the CT-80 is so light (about the equivalent of a decent RACI finderscope and mount), at about 2.2 lbs. total it didn't really add any significant weight to my Stellarvue M2C Alt-Az mount...