Origins: The Journey of Humankind: With Jason Silva, Mark Monroe, Greg Kriek, Chris Fisher. Our primal curiosity has sparked new inventions and revealed the mysteries of the universe. This eight part mini series strives to trace the pivotal innovations t
观看《origins: the journey of humankind》,看到人类,从远古时期用大型的动物尸骨来作为庇护之所,渐渐地开始制造玻璃、让光进入房间,再创造出拥有上帝之光的高大宗教建筑,到如今高耸入云的摩天大楼…… 一个...
Watchlist 7,3I Origins - Im Auge des Ursprungs Watchlist 6,5Origins Watchlist 6,7Origins: The Journey of Humankind Watchlist 7,2Origin Watchlist Handlung ÄndernBenutzerrezensionen1 Rezension Ausgewählte Rezension1/10 Completely false advertising This movie pretends to be a science documentar...
More like this 6.8Origines Watchlist 6.7Origins: The Journey of Humankind Watchlist Origins Watchlist 7.4Origins Watchlist 7.3I Origins Watchlist 7.3NCIS: Origins Watchlist Storyline EditUser reviews6 Review Featured review4/10 Should Not be Accepted as History It's quick and entertaining, ...
《人类起源 Origins: The Journey of Humankind》于2017-03-06(美国)上映。演员杰森·席尔瓦 Jason Silva主演的《人类起源 Origins: The Journey of Humankind》是一部纪录片类型电影。 国家地理的新里程碑式系列影片将穿越整个人类历史,以探寻真正使我们变得现代的“起源性”时刻。这是一次全感官式的,穿越时空的冒险...
Evolve doesn’t wait around for dream projects to come along. They take whatever project they’re working on andmakeit into a dream project. Case in point: their latest endeavor, a 16-film series for National Geographic’s new showOrigins: The Journey of Humankind.Working with an archival/e...
That's the question being answered inOrigins: The Journey of Humankind, a flashy eight-part series starringBrain Gameshost, futurist and filmmaker Jason Silva. It's coming to National Geographic in March -- and we've got an exclusive look at the first six minutes, above. ...
处刑人 The Boondock Saints 分类: 剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影 一对热血虔诚的爱尔兰裔兄弟,因自卫杀人而得罪黑帮,警署以正当防卫之名无罪释放。 人类起源 Origins: The Journey of Humankind 分类: 纪录片电影 国家地理的新里程碑式系列影片将穿越整个人类历史,以探寻真正使我们变得现代...
我们的起源 Origins of Us 《我们的起源 Origins of Us》于2011-11-17(英国)上映。演员艾丽丝·罗伯茨主演的《我们的起源 Origins of Us》是一部纪录片类型电影。 我们每个人的故事都可以追溯到几百万年前的非洲平原,关于我们何以成为人类,答案就埋藏在地下,在化石和人类祖先留下的其他线索中,但同时,也深深埋藏...
The Origins Centre Museum restores the African continent to its rightful place in history – at the very beginning of mankind’s journey to humanity. We are also home to a vast array of palaeoanthropological, archaeological and genetic materials charting the origins ...